"Rule by the Idiocracy"

"I came across a quote by Benjamin Franklin recently: "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."

I would strongly suggest that, to the contrary, people are generally virtuous until governed by ignorant ‘masters’. Bad government will firstly degrade the currency and the laws and then (secondary consequences!), moral standards. It is not that people lack virtue and thus need masters, though it is convenient for the elite that people believe this to be so. It is masters who destroy virtue by idiotic edict that encourages and rewards criminal behaviour at all points of the legislative process. The morals of society succumb to rule by the idiocracy.

As our half men/half goat drunken elite perform their media rituals, the question needs to be asked whether “we the people” deserve any better. An observable rule is that in all aspects of their lives people do not get what they ‘deserve’, they get precisely what it is that they are prepared to put up with. That is a truth that applies down at the level of personal relationships right the way up to the type of government that we allow. Government is the problem, not the solution. Until we can see and understand that one simple truth, and make the decision that we will no longer put up with that situation, then humanity will continue to suffer the cyclical existence that ranges from impoverished serfdom to intermittent prosperity and back to poverty again.

The real theme of the old Greek fable about King Midas from 2700 years ago is still most applicable to not only our governing elite, but to the American people. Yes, the immediate bailout legislation, forced down the throat of Americans, will hopefully lead to a continuation of the current comfortable lives that we have become accustomed to for a few months longer, but what are the secondary effects? The answer to that is as obvious and as unattractive as a drunken half man/half goat sleeping in a crushed rose garden. Will anyone haul these modern satyrs before a court?
Are modern Americans so complacent, or so intimidated that, unlike their forebears, they are prepared to put up with this? If the anger reaches the level of the street, will the military and police choose to support a Congress and presidency corrupted beyond anything that Jefferson could have imagined in his worst nightmare, or will they choose to support the Constitution? Will Americans believe the desperate, verging on pathetic excuse that it was somehow the non-existent free market itself that was to blame… that the crime was committed by laissez-faire capitalism? How gullible are Americans?

The answer to those questions will determine whether America goes the way of Phrygia and Lydia, where writers of the future will have to explain where it used to be on the map.

“Serf City, here we come…” (apologies to Brian Wilson and Jan Berry)

- Sam Mathid, November 6, 2008, http://www.gold-eagle.com/editorials_08/mathid110508.html

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