"Prisoners of the Cave"

"I have no reason to smile. One of the disturbing consequences of being a thinking person who is not ignorant of the lessons of history, and who is not unwary of the propaganda in the mainstream American media that dutifully toes the government's line as if they were a state sponsored news agency of the Soviet Union of the yore, is the awesome realization that I am living in a nation that is fast declining into the worst form of Fascism ever to exist.

For like the people in Plato's mythical cave, where all they can see and experience is the reality synthesized for them by the spinning controllers outside the cave, the majority of the kind people in this great nation are becoming enslaved and don't even realize it. It is worse than a gilded cage, because there is no need for a cage for the “Prisoners of the Cave”.

Is it any coincidence that the United States is the only country in the world in which while there have been record antiwar protests in many of its cities, the vast majority of its mainstream public overwhelmingly supports the "war on terrorism" as evidenced by opinion polls and the rising popularity of its President? Does this perhaps have anything to do with the fact that the mainstream public is also incessantly being exposed to the government leaders arguing the justifications for this “fictitious war” with “fictitious facts”, necessitating all this curbing of civil liberties to hunt down the “fictitious fifth columnist” - and not to the opposing voices and reasoned critics who possess the tools and knowledge to dismantle and deconstruct this “fiction” that is perpetuated through mindless repetitions of “officials say” in the well oiled media machinery?

The unnerving similarities between the rise of Fascism in Germany- the Third Reich, and what is happening now in this once great and hospitable nation for all immigrants- the making of a Fourth Reich, is making me reconsider whether I should pack my bags and catch that last boat out of this place before this impending "Red Yellow and Green" travel ticket labeling technology of the Total Information Awareness (TIA) system inadvertently closes even the doors of exit for its victims."


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