"The Higher Moral Ground"

“I've been giving thought to just why I consider the rioting, currently in Greece, but more and more often around the world, is an expression of the high moral ground.
Spirit is not separate from Matter. I don't believe with some people of faith that Spirit was inserted into Matter at some point in Creation. Neither do I believe with some Buddhists that Spirit is ultimately the important thing.
Spirit and Matter are co dependant. They are so inextricably intertwined in one another that not even death completely separates them. Spirit suffuses every atom of Matter, and Matter interpenetrates Spirit from each and every one of those atoms. Spirit Matters, and Matter is en Spirited.
Thus the conclusion that Earth is Primary is inescapable. Our landbase is what makes our consciousness of Spirit possible. To wilfully destroy that landbase is counter life, counter intuitive and indicative of a very sick and irredeemably insane mode of Being.
Which is where, unfortunately, we find ourselves right now. How we got here- to the point where we've encaged our planet and are not only eating Her away, but also toxifying all Her Life- is not as important, I submit, as finding a way to stop it, as quickly as possible.
Life does indeed teach Life, and toxified and sickly Life can only inform pathologically. This is not right.
Mankind's pyramids of control structures are strangling all Life- human and (this was the clincher for me) non-human alike. It cannot be allowed to go unchallenged, and preferably corrected.
People will be pushed around by the Machine- lulled to sleep by electronic narcotics and peer-reviewed philosophy - only up to a point, and I'm pleased to see that that point is being reached in many humans all across the globe.
Our governments have become our Frankenstein's Monsters, and the Police organizations extruding from them a vicious organ of destruction. The police are no longer- if indeed they ever were- a protective and serving force for humankind. They protect and serve only the interests of those with power- over to lose.
The Machine must be dismantled- yes, globally. Every last trace of it must be rendered inoperative, unable to do any more damage, preferably before it turns on itself and takes most of the Life on this planet with it. If hunter-gatherer is the only sustainable technological level for humankind, so be it. Or maybe we should admit that our experiment has escaped the laboratory, and go hunt it down and put a bullet in its brain before it's too late.
Thus it is that I am siding with the Greek Anarchists, and with every soul who has decided to Bash Back against the Machine. We need it all, and we need it now.”
- Aquila ka Hecate, http://aquilakahecate.blogspot.com/
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