"Why CNN Can't Spell"

"The crisis of adult literacy is getting worse, and investment in education and support programs is critical," said David C. Harvey, president and CEO of ProLiteracy, in response to the finding. This is about jobs and the economy, Harvey said. "More than 1 million people lost their jobs in 2008 and the new unemployment figures are the highest in 16 years," Harvey said. "A large number of the unemployed are low-skilled individuals who struggle with everyday reading, writing and math tasks. The administration wants to create new jobs with the stimulus packages, but to take advantage of those new positions, these adults need basic literacy skills." A separate study released last month named Minneapolis and Seattle as the most literate cities.
ProLiteracy, which promotes reading programs for the disadvantaged and encourages more government funding, estimates that illiteracy costs American businesses more than $60 billion each year in lost productivity and health and safety issues. Lack of funding at the federal, state and local levels prevents about 90 percent of the illiterate from getting help, the organization claims.
ProLiteracy also estimates:
• 63 percent of prison inmates can't read.
• 774 million people worldwide are illiterate.
• Two-thirds of the world's illiterate are women.
If parents can't read, there's a good chance children will be poor readers, the organization notes.”
• 63 percent of prison inmates can't read.
• 774 million people worldwide are illiterate.
• Two-thirds of the world's illiterate are women.
- http://www.livescience.com/culture/090110-illiterate-adults.html
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