Income Taxes? "No Constitutional Basis or Law"

“In 1913 America was a free country. Then a band of powerful bankers achieved their fathers' and great grandfathers' goal. America has never been the same. Soon the world will not be the same. The ratification of the 16th amendment, also known as the "Tax amendment", represents a fundamental undermining of Constitutional law in America. It is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated against the American people by the elite private banking institutions that have usurped government as an arm of their overall control mechanism.

The income tax does not meet either criteria of Constitutionally legal taxation in America, that is direct apportioned tax or indirect uniform tax. The IRS claims that the 16th Amendment allowed for a third form of taxation, however, the Supreme Court ruling on the amendment states that it allows for no new forms of taxation. More Supreme Court cases in the same period confirm the same conclusion. The 16th Amendment did not allow the Federal Government to levy a new tax, thus there is no Constitutional basis for the income tax.

The findings of the Grace Commission, a Blue-Ribbon panel appointed by President Ronald Reagan found that: "One hundred percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the federal debt. All individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government."

Education, health and community up keep is paid for out of state and local property taxes, gas taxes, liquor taxes, you name it. Proceeds from the income tax do not pay for these things.The income tax money goes to pay for defense and the expansion of corporate America. In essence everyday American people are funding expansionist wars and the playboy lifestyle of the financial institutions that then further profit from that activity and become ever more powerful.

The income tax is the tool of totalitarianism. It is the means by which the corporate controlled government manipulates the people on a mass scale and locks them into servitude. If the people do not know what their rights are then an agency that knowingly breaks the law is not going to tell them.

The banks now control America. They print the currency and tell the people what it's worth. They have the legal right to counterfeit money. This coup d'etat of benign open and accountable government by elitist private interest represents the tipping point from freedom and the long slide towards fascism. Since the government's primary goal stopped being the welfare of the people it has ceased to exist as a legal entity.

This is exactly what Thomas Jefferson warned the American people may happen. Jefferson said: "If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency...the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Those who have stood up to the income tax slave system and simply asked the question "where is the law?" have been slandered and personally attacked because to reduce the issue to a rational debate would immediately expose the truth behind the entire scam. This has not come about by accident; it is a planned and coordinated agenda. The younger generations have no concept that they have been drawn into a trap from which they cannot escape. The middle class is being systematically and purposefully wiped out, leaving behind a population on the brink of serfdom. The purchasing power of the dollar has been destroyed BY DESIGN, leaving behind a cost of living only affordable to those who profit from the system.

New laws passed through Congress seek to further enslave people by making it harder to declare bankruptcy while at the same time allowing the banks to charge huge amounts of interest. Thus both parties, working with the banks, legally enslave the nation. The people of America are being fed upon by the elite and devoured alive and they barely even recognize it. It is the perfect crime, the pinnacle of criminal capitalism.

What is being sold to the American people today as patriotism is fascism, and it is part of the same overall agenda to rape the people financially, spiritually and mentally. If you can literally control the movements people make and the actions they take then you own their world.”

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