"14,528 Text Messages in 1 Month?"

“An American teenager has racked up an astonishing 14,528 text messages every month - the equivalent of 484 per day. With average phone users in the U.S. sending 357 texts per month, Reina Hardesty's father was horrified when his family received a 440-page phone bill from AT&T. 'Thank God she's too young to drive,' shell-shocked father Greg, who is a reporter for the Orange County Register, wrote in an article. Interviewing his daughter for the article - by text, obviously - his first question was, 'Are you nuts?' 'No, I just like to talk,' came her reply. Fortunately, Mr Hardesty wrote, his wife had had the foresight to sign Reina and their other children up for unlimited texting. Otherwise, he calculated, her bill would have been $2,905.60.

'Assuming my daughter slept an average of eight hours during the billing period (she usually sleeps more),' he wrote, that works out to 484 text messages a day - or a text message every two minutes she was awake.' The one small consolation, he noted, was that the total included text messages both sent and received - including 'annoying' forwards and multimedia messages. The bill - which covered the period November 27-December 26 - ran to a total of 440 pages (though that included charges for two other phones, he said). Reina admitted she has four close friends that she is constantly texting. 'I don't think there really is a point,' she added on her mother's Facebook page. 'It's just fun to talk.'

A Nielsen study for the second quarter of 2008 showed that while the average number of texts per phone user is 357, that number jumps for teenagers aged 13-17, who text more than any other age group, to 1,742. Now Mr Hardesty and his wife have restricted Reina's use of her mobile."

- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1113062/Fathers-horror-daughter

No doubt they were discussing the Obama economic stimulus plan... ;-)

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