Subliminal Mind Programming: It's Real, and It Works

"If you ever felt paranoid about subliminal messages, you might be right to worry. Images we see but don't consciously register have been shown to inform people's decision-making. Joel Voss of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, and colleagues showed volunteers 12 kaleidoscope images for 2 seconds each while they also performed an unrelated number task to distract them from consciously committing the images to memory. A minute later, volunteers were asked to look at pairs of similar-looking images and choose the one they had seen before. They were also asked whether they were sure, had "a feeling" they were right, or were just guessing. Those who took a shot in the dark were as successful as the rest. "They were 70 to 80 per cent accurate; it would be only 50 per cent if it was chance," says Voss.
During the memory task, the volunteers' brain activity was monitored by electrical sensors attached to their heads. As the pattern of activity differed between "guessers" and the other groups, it suggests that we access unconscious and conscious visual memories differently, says Voss."
“About 1950 an innovative marketing technique was discovered - subliminal marketing. This was really a new application of a discovery made in the early part of the nineteenth century, namely hypnosis. Almost 140 years later, when it was discovered that if you flashed the words 'popcorn' or 'I'd like a Coke' on a movie screen at a speed just fast enough not to be registered by the conscious mind, studies noted that popcorn and soda sales increased by almost 60 percent. Without inducing a trancelike state, it was possible to bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious mind, much the same way as hypnosis had in the past. Don Morgan, Ph.D., an expert in subliminal research stated: "Armed with this breakthrough technology, we to actually take control...on the subconscious level." Subliminals work best when they are unknown to the subject!”
For fun:
Now imagine what they're able to do with the latest technological wonders. For a real shocker, do a Google search for "subliminal messages in Disney." Even "wholesome family values" Disney is up to some tricks...
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