The Gloves Come Off: Dan W- "It IS A Class Struggle"

The most recent estimates are that 1% of the American population control 70% of its wealth. Another 10%, the corporate lackeys and henchmen of their 1% Masters, control 20% of the remainder. So, 11% of the population, the so-called "wealthy elite," appear to have won their eternal financial war against the rest of us. America, as of now, has approximately 306,000,000 people. Do the math: roughly 33,000,000 privileged "elites" have, for many decades, financially raped the American public, brutally, savagely, mercilessly, using every tool at their disposal to extract the few remaining pennies from a deceived and so-far impotent society, which they knew was all too reluctant to rise in outraged anger and protest.
In their arrogance, they assumed that there was no evil deed that could provoke the masses, no outrage so vile that couldn't be inflicted with impunity. 30% interest rates on credit cards? "No protest, no problem." $40 bank overdraft fees, checking fees, ATM fees, 'service charges'? "No protest, no problem." Mortgages that enslave a debtor to paying over 3 times the purchase price of a home, over 30 years? "No protest, no problem." Millions of homeless people, living under bridges, in alleys, on the street? "No protest, no problem." 'East credit' for all, come on in, just don't read the fine print! "No protest, no problem." 46,000,000 children without health care, and going to bed hungry at night because they literally have no food, and live in poverty? "No protest, no problem.They're sheep, stupid, ignorant sheep." Yeah, that's what they thought, and still think. And we, the people, have done woefully little to change their opinion. Now, the economic house of cards their infinite greed built is crashing down upon all of us- joblessness, home foreclosures, real poverty and suffering is rampaging across the country, nearly out of control despite the governments desperate attempts at reviving their already dead system. We're nearing a "critical mass" point, when the sheer weight of suffering explodes into a cataclysmic societal melt down, with horrifying consequences.
The "elite" have apparently forgotten one element of human nature- the lust for revenge, as Dan W's post describes it above. Multiply that rage by 270,000,000 suffering Americans. For now, the rich can hide in their walled compounds and massive estates, guarded and fenced away from the commoners. But humans are funny about revenge, they have a real talent at identifying those who've tormented them, and those memories last a very, very long time. When we reach that "critical mass" point of suffering, and the last shreds of "normalcy" fall away from the long suffering millions, the gloves will come off, replaced by raw human instinct, rage and emotion. At that point, the "wealthy elite" had better hope they've used all those "frequent flyer miles" they had, and be far, far away from America...
- CoyotePrime
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