"6 Tips For Keeping the Job You Have"

Yes, it’s true that rock-solid, superior employees do get laid off. There’s no such thing as a sure thing. Just keep in mind that 90 percent of people who want to work are still working and that these are still darn decent odds. So, now is no time to throw in the towel! Now is the time to go back to basics. Specifically, what does it mean to be a rock-solid, superior employee? It means displaying (at least) six qualities:
Composure. When others freak out, you do not join them.
Thoroughness. You carry tasks all the way through to their logical conclusions.
Graciousness. You treat everyone equally well.
Diligence. You take the time to be careful; you make the effort to be accurate.
Astuteness. You anticipate things that will go wrong and always have a contingency plan.
Mastery. You consistently produce high-quality work in a timely fashion.
Graciousness. You treat everyone equally well.
Diligence. You take the time to be careful; you make the effort to be accurate.
Astuteness. You anticipate things that will go wrong and always have a contingency plan.
Mastery. You consistently produce high-quality work in a timely fashion.
- Karen Burns, Working Girl, is the author of "The Amazing Adventures of Working Girl:
Real-Life Career Advice You Can Actually Use." She blogs at karenburnsworkinggirl.com .
Real-Life Career Advice You Can Actually Use." She blogs at karenburnsworkinggirl.com .
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