"NSA Surveillance Continued After Restrictions"

But according to the Times, the agency engaged in "overcollection" of "significant amounts" of domestic traffic. The alleged violation, described by sources as systemic, occurred because the agency had trouble distinguishing between domestic and overseas traffic, whether collected from U.S. telecom networks or the NSA's own spy satellites. The revelations stem from reviews that the Justice Department is conducting into NSA activities. According to the Times, classified government briefings have been held in recent weeks to address the controversy and bring the NSA back into compliance. The Justice Department said that the "overcollection" problems had been resolved.Congressional intelligence committees say they're investigating the allegations.
Equally significant are allegations that prior to Congress broadening its powers, the NSA also considered eavesdropping on a member of Congress without court approval. The unnamed congressman was traveling overseas at the time as part of a delegation to the Middle East in 2005 or 2006. The agency wanted to tap his conversations because he had contact with an extremist who was under surveillance for suspected terrorist ties. The Times reports that the plan was scrapped after complaints from intelligence officials who thought spying on a congressman was taking things too far.
This information comes from separate inquiries the Justice Department was conducting into the agency's activities prior to President Barack Obama taking office. According to the Times, a senior FBI agent has offered evidence to the inspector general's office indicating that the NSA engaged in "significant misconduct" in the surveillance program by targeting Americans for eavesdropping without having sufficient evidence that they were tied to terrorist groups or activity."
- http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2009/04/nsa-broke-new-e.html
Your tax dollars at work, Good Citizens...
Your tax dollars at work, Good Citizens...
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