"You Can't Take It With You? Maybe You Can..."

Once upon a time an orphan boy grew up as an apprentice into a merchant’s house. After the demise of his benefactor the young man went into the world and started his own trade business. Soon his fortune started to rise and money started to fill his coffers. The young man never forgot his humble beginning and he helped all the people in need: The sick and the poor, the crippled and the destitute, and as his wealth grew his generosity increased as well. Good fortune follow him in every enterprise and soon he became legendary both for his riches as well for his good deeds. But after years and years of work he grew old and pretty soon he contemplated his inevitable end. The problem was that he never got married, he never had any children and he did not know of any relatives. So he began to pray to God every day for the remaining of his life.
One night God heard his plea and came to him in a dream. “What can I do for you, my good man?,” asked God. “I have worked hard all my life and now my wealth is going to be taken by strangers. I would like you to let me take it with me when I die, o great and just God!” God pondered for a while and then responded. “You know that you can't take it with you, but considering your life of good deeds I will make an exception. See that chest in the corner? You can take it with you when you die.”
So the old man sold all his possessions and bought as many gold bars as to fill up his treasure chest. Not long after that the angel of death came to take him to paradise. At the pearly gates St. Peter, seeing the heavy chest, stopped the old man. “Wait a minute – you can not bring that in here. It is against the rules!” “But God granted me a special permission,” said the old man. “Let me check that out,” said the saint, and looked into his admission log. “Yep, you’re right, there is a note here saying you can bring a chest with worldly possessions, but I will have to check so it doesn’t have any unholy content.” “Sure thing,” said the old man and lifted the chest lid. St. Peter looked inside the chest at the glimmering bars of gold and his eyes popped out in amazement. He turned to the old man in disbelief, “You brought in pavement?”
- http://buddhaofhollywood.blogspot.com/
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