Dan W: "It Is Time To Secede"

Why secession? Simply put, because our nation can never recover from the decades of corruption and duplicity and greed that have led us to this abyss lest our leaders attempt to do so through means that are anathema to the righteous moral and ethical lives, hearts and minds of the citizens of Vermont. Our leaders will do anything to save the system. And we can no longer be party to such actions. It is time for us to leave.
It is time to secede. The system of FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING with which we have lived for decades is crumbling. TRILLIONS of dollars of debt that have accumulated during these decades of fraud, and that characterize our experiment with irredeemable fiat currency and with the "money as debt" system, can no longer be serviced. Our nation is broke. Productive capital has been summarily destroyed. Tragically, the only means through which our political leaders could hope to "save" the body is through sacrificing its soul: Acting without any moral or ethical considerations is a last desperate gasp to save a system that has made our political and financial elites powerful and wealthy beyond the wildest dreams of avarice. And act they will. In the very least, this obsession with saving the system means the purposeful creation and prosecution of a wider-war in the Middle East (and the accompanying patriotic brain-washing that makes such a war possible) as a means to artificially boost GDP and to keep the streets of the USA from running red with the blood of the unemployed, the poor, the hungry, the suffering. The leadership of a nation sporting a GDP of $14.3 TRILLION, that must experience growth of 3-4% per annum at a minimum in order to stave off the coming of utter chaos, will be willing to go to any and all lengths to artificially stimulate such growth. And so I say that if we truly are commited to disavowing our complicity in such a wider war, we must, as a state, refuse to participate. And since our political and financial leaders have made it increasingly clear through their dishonest policy-making and actions that they are willing to employ various and surprisingly frank levels of economic and social repression to make sure that the system survives, it is time for Vermonters to create a new destiny for our beautiful and precious children. Secession is our best hope.
It is time to secede. Economic "growth" as we have come to understand it is done. Raw materials and goods will become more scarce, and the energy needed to harness these resources on a mass scale will no longer be available. Continued environmental degradation combined with the loss of profit motivation will mean an end to the age of fossil fuels. And the transition will be devastating. Vermont is uniquely positioned to survive the coming de-industrialization of the world, and I believe that it is time for the state to leave the Union of states and to focus inward, upon its own house. We are witnessing a most grand paradigm shift away from "Democratic Capitalism". The experiment has failed. A nation borne of the dreams of Enlightenment righteousness has fallen prey to the greed and corruption and theft of the robber barons and Wall Street moguls. And it has gone on for so long, and the nation has incurred such massive amounts of DEBT, that no medicine can cure the disease. On every level, "large" has failed. Small communities- if prepared and coordinated- will be able to construct social, political and economic systems that will allow these communities to exist at a comfortable "subsistence" level. Subsistence must become our creed. An obsession with growth is a date with death. Growth over the past several decades has been based upon the fraudulent employment of HUNDREDS of TRILLIONS of dollars of leverage, and years of siphoning and funneling and Ponzi scheming have created massive wealth for a few and the simultaneous destruction of the lives, and of the futures, of the many. And please understand: These men will stop at nothing to protect their wealth. If we remain a part of their nation, they will destroy us. It is time for us to leave. It is time to secede."
- Dan W, http://ashizashiz.blogspot.com/
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