Economic Paradigm Shift: "US As China's Debtor Vassal"

"Numerous events have taken place of global importance. Alone, each story seems of some significance. Together, they paint a mosaic of extreme change in a very dangerous sequence of events that fit together. The greater aggregate story is that a tremendous paradigm shift is underway, with early steps and major moves by global players in clear view. The Western analysts and pundits and mavens are missing it. A paradigm shift has begun, with banking power shifting to the creditor nations as the usdollar is supplanted, made possible by several new institutional pillars as well as newly forged alliances. The consequences are significant and will change the face of global banking and commerce.

Some in the United States and England believe that a return to normalcy comes. They are wrong by 180 degrees. The G20 Meeting of finance ministers and heads of state was the warning. The message from that meeting in London has been long forgotten, a call made in my public article immediately after its conclusion. This article provides an outline of events that have occurred only in the last few weeks, as the pace is accelerating for transformation that begins at the foundation. Piece it all together, use some mental power, sprinkle with only a little imagination, connect some dots easily, and take a look at the global picture that is emerging. Yesterday came the crowning blow, as the United Arab Emirates rejected the Saudis in the Gulf monetary union. My belief is that the rising power in the UAE wants Russia instead of the Saudis, who are tied at the US hip.

Numerous events mark major milestones. They should be viewed in aggregate. The major media networks have no vested interest in enabling more than trivial perceptions toward each story. Paradigm Shifts are magnificent processes, not easily made possible, which require great and steady powerful forces behind them. Cooperation must be present from most global players of importance. Here is a list of events. To be honest, if after reading them in entirety, a deep sense of tectonic changes is not sensed, then at best a sleepy state prevails in the cerebrum and at worst a compromised state dominates.
1) The US-UK banking systems are shattered by deep bond asset losses, shrouded in fraud, deep with leverage, teeming with collusion, which renders them as insolvent and in need of transfusions. The reality is that Wall Street firms remain in control of the USGovt financial operations despite their responsibility for both the collapse and clear legal violations. The USDollar image is badly tarnished.
2) Incredible volumes of money have been committed by the US Federal Reserve and the USGovt, much already delivered, with staggering future rescues, bailouts, and stimulus packages assured. The sums total $12.8 trillion at last count. The undermine, if not debauchery, to the USDollar and its vehicle the USTreasury Bond is vividly clear, a palpable threat to foreign creditors.
3) Foreigners have begun to worry openly about the onset of profound price inflation. What normally had been less than 4% in excess bank reserves is now 92%. US banks will channel the bulk of their excess reserves into loans and investments, when considered safe. The baseless 'All Clear' signal can be witnessed, orchestrated and phony. For political and credit market reasons, do not expect any noticeable central bank drain. Price inflation awaits the landscape on a path of least resistance. The USTBond yield would rise, and lose colossal sums of money for foreign bondholders.
4) Foreign creditors have owned over half the US$-based government and mortgage agency bonds for almost a decade. With the dependence upon foreign institutions (central banks and sovereign wealth funds), the United States has quietly lost control of its fate. It can no longer make decisions without consulting major creditors.
5) The USMilitary has tacitly been supporting the value of the USDollar. By pressuring the Saudis on a regular basis, they have maintained the Petro-Dollar standard without a peep of objection for a few decades. When South Korea expressed interest in diversifying out of USTreasury Bonds a few years ago, suddenly some US naval exercises occurred off their coast. The pattern is clear to foreigners.
6) Some recognition has come that the aggressive USMilitary of recent years depends heavily upon USTreasury Bond sales in order to continue their adventures. As long as the USDollar is pre-eminent, the USMilitary will continue to play in neighbor's back yards doing whatever.
7) The Chinese have been taking numerous steps to establish the yuan currency more as a global currency for international commerce. The more important step has been to set up numerous yuan swap facilities across the globe, the latest being in Argentina and Brazil. Others are across Europe and Asia. Such facilities make easier trade in high volumes, without need for settlement in US$ denomination, as has been the custom for a few decades.
8) The Chinese have begun to switch from a US$ basis to a yuan basis in their banking system domestically. They also have given a giant assist to the new emergency fund for the extended ASEAN group of SouthEast nations. My belief is that the fund, based in yuan currency, will morph into a regional development fund. Conversation already has lead in that direction.
9) The Chinese gave authorization to two banks outside the Middle Kingdom proper to sell yuan-based government bonds. The HSBC (based in London) and Bank of East Asia (based in Hong Kong) have been given permission to do so, with details to follow. More broad-based formal trading of Chinese Govt bonds is coming soon to a nation near you.
10) Watch their moves toward creation of the Chinese yuan as a global reserve currency. Watch their simultaneous moves away from the USDollar and toward gold for reserves management. The merger of the two important strategic initiatives is a gold-backed yuan currency. In fact, that is precisely what was stated openly by Zheng Lianghao, managing director of the World Gold Council's Far East division. That news came out this week. The Chinese are clearly the spearhead to dethrone the USDollar as global reserve currency.
11) Numerous nations have stated publicly that they regard the USDollar as inadequate and unqualified to serve any longer as the sole global reserve currency. The isolated revolt has turned into a uniformly global revolt. They are blaming the US$ for their internal crises.
12) Russia demanded an alternative to the USDollar before the G20 Meeting in London, at the G20, and after the G20. Russia and China endorsed the IMFund plan to create a basket currency as a global reserve alternative. My personal view is that the concept was and is a Straw Man device that will pave the way to a new global reserve currency, or set of currencies later. The motive was to direct attention away from the USDollar, and heap some disgrace at it.

The Chinese strategy remains hidden, to execute a grand paradigm shift that will take tacit control of the United States, which is now in disarray. Its leadership is too busy being co-opted by the Wall Street banksters. The objective by Beijing leaders is to avoid violence and military actions altogether. Sun Tzu would be proud. Beijing is gradually subjugating the USGovt as a vassal in debt, the risk to the US being a transition toward servitude to their credit master. We are in the midst of an historical global paradigm shift, to date a quiet process. Power is shifting from Washington, DC and New York City and London directly to Beijing.

The United States has little choice but to acquiesce and comply with Beijings wishes. The insolvent indebted nation with little industry left and a destroyed banking system can endure the shameful process of bankruptcy receivership, forced by the creditors, or the nation can permit a 'New Alliance' with China that involves obedient hidden directives. The US possesses a powerful defense contractor industry, half the world's agricultural output, and many spectacular locations for residence. The practical consequence of the US 'listening' to Beijing wishes on a regular basis will be for the European Union to be pushed into a 'New Alliance' with Russia. Such a deal is practical, due to distances and supply lines. The United Kingdom is in all likelihood to be left out in the cold."

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