"Happiness is not in our circumstances, but in ourselves.
It is not something we see, like a rainbow, or feel, like the heat of a fire.
Happiness is something we are." - John B. Sheerin
It is not something we see, like a rainbow, or feel, like the heat of a fire.
Happiness is something we are." - John B. Sheerin

Unfortunately, we don't have all that many good examples to follow. The people that our cultures label as "successful" are the ones who have become wealthy or famous or celebrities, but the truly successful people- those who have become happy and who are living happy, loving, giving lives- aren't often featured in our newspapers or newscasts. We see the politicians and the criminals and the athletes and the entertainment "stars," but we don't see the people who can truly inspire us to be happy by being just who we are.
You can't buy happiness, and you can't take a picture of it. You can't pack it up in a box and send it off to your best friend. You can't give it as a birthday gift, and you can't cut it in half and give some to someone who needs it. You can allow yourself to be, and to be happy. You then will shine like a beacon of peace and hope, and when others see that you are happy, they will start observing you more closely to see just what it is that makes you happy. And you can serve as an example for all those others who know that there's something missing, but who don't realize that what's missing is their ability to be themselves, their ability to just be and to be happy."
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