"Cosmic Silence"
"I mentioned here yesterday that a refurbished Hubble Space Telescope will almost certainly give us an Ultra Ultra Deep Field Photograph, the deepest look yet into cosmic space and time. This prompts a reprise of a post from three years ago:

Having taken aboard a universe of 160 billion galaxies, how would I answer the BIG questions?
Who am I? With Walt Whitman I say: I am the journey-work of stars.
Where did I come from? I am the product of 13.7 billion years of cosmic evolution.
Why am I here? The universe is silent. Each of us must decide for oneself. Some of us choose to take our answer from popes, televangelists, ayatollahs, or holy books. For myself: I am here to pay attention and to celebrate what I see.
- Chet, http://www.sciencemusings.com/blog/2009/05/cosmic-silence.html
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