The Economy: "AP Interactive Stress Index Map"
(AP) "Through the voices of its people, the map shouts. From Atlanta, Ga., listen to Marian Chamberlain, 65, jobless, and no longer eligible for unemployment: "I will never be able to retire." From Shakopee, Minn., listen to Bruce Paul, 56, a vintage car mechanic laid off in January and unemployed for the first time since Richard Nixon was president. Today he and his wife spend their days in the public library to reduce energy costs at home. "You go out and they say, you know, you need a resume. And I say, `A resume? What's that?'" From Broomfield, Colo., listen to U.S. Marine and construction worker Simon Todt, 27, a combat-arms specialist who returned from three tours in Iraq only to be laid off from his construction job in December. He smiles wanly as he sums up his situation: "There's not a big calling in the civilian world for explosives."
The republic is brimming with Americans like these. And the Associated Press Economic Stress Map helps us find their voices and tell their stories.
For generations, maps have told tales that words and numbers alone cannot. Maps guided us to the New World, helped us navigate from its edges into its interior. Vague, undefined maps showed Lewis & Clark where to go next, and in turn gave us fresher, more accurate maps that fueled further explorations. Maps outlined the frontier for settlement and showed us where to find the silver, the gold and the coal that made us prosperous. Computer mapping helps businesses expand, prosper and find new customers.
The interactive Stress Map offers insight into the American recession, translating it into misery and geography using an equation, the Stress Index, that shows us, state by state, county by county, just how uncertain and battered around we actually are. It takes the numbers, the pronouncements, the big plans for recovery and illustrates what they mean on Main Street USA, or what passes for it in 21st-century American communities."
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For "Fair Use" under Title 17 United States Code Section 107, the remainder of this article is redacted. For the entire article, please go to the Huffington Post, at the link below.
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