"Democracy Is A Luxury That We Can No Longer Afford"
"The time has come to admit that we no longer live in a Democratic Republic. The people of the United States are no longer sovereign. Our political and financial leaders make policy decisions that do not represent the will of the goverened. And to say that we can simply vote these leaders out of office- thus replacing the corrupt leadership and thus retaining the sovereignty of the people- is false. It is false because Democrats and Republicans are opposite sides of the same coin. Bought and sold leadership knows no ideological boundaries. Our leaders embrace the language of a nation that speaks glowingly of such things as freedom and democracy, and yet these same leaders are indoctrinated by a system that, behind closed doors, acts in ways that are anathema to the existence of a true democracy.
In order for a Democratic Republic to function as such, two things MUST occur: One is that the 'rule of law' must be more powerful than, and trump the authority of, the rule of men. The other is that a truthful and honest FREE FLOW of information must serve as the foundation for decision and policy making. Neither of these conditions exist in the United States of America.
The rule of law has been summarily destroyed through decades of fiscal fraud, carried out by the very men who now run our government. And the information that we receive via the mainstream media is rife with blatant untruths and purposeful deceptions. And the reality is this: Our leaders have come to accept that, in this large and complex world of ours, the survival of the USA as a going concern is far more important than are the rule of law or the free flow of information. Our leaders have all but admitted that TRUTH is not nearly as important to them as is the survival and perpetuation of our way of life. And to that end our leaders will, in our name, engage in policymaking that sacrifices millions and all but ignores such luxuries as truth, honor and law.
And so what does this mean? It means that a wider-war is an inevitability, as our leaders seek to distract the deceive the American people vis-a-vis the crimes committed by the agents of our government and by the men of Wall Street. It means that the coming collapse of the American way of life- a way of life borne of fraud and profligacy and cancerous growth- will be delayed by a leadership who will employ insane fiscal policies and who will stop at nothing, regardless of law and truth, to defend to the end their right to live in a home with 7 bathrooms and 5 flat screen TVs. It means the end of an experiment that, while noble at its birth, has been destroyed by avarice and gluttony and the unchecked power of men.
One need only peruse the news of the day to understand the depth of our desperation, and to begin to grasp the lengths to which our leaders will go, destroying any remaining vestiges of our so-called democracy, in a pathetic attempt to hold back the flood of economic collapse and ever-growing anti-American global resolve.
It is indeed the end of things."
Dan W, http://ashizashiz.blogspot.com/
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