"A Very Different Tale of Two Cities- Who is Free?"
Tehran, Iran:"From revolution to freedom" — that was the message that spread among supporters of Iranian opposition leader Mir-Hossein Mousavi today. The phrase refers to the two main squares in midtown Tehran, where a large demonstration took place to protest what millions of Iranians believe was a rigged presidential election. And although the Interior Ministry kept broadcasting a communiqué warning that no permit had been issued for the rally, 2 million to 3 million Iranians from a broad cross section of society converged on Freedom Square to demand a recount."

Washington, DC: In the last 8 months the so-called "Financial Elite" psychopaths have completed their rape of the American economy, absconding with over $13 trillion in "loans" and guarantees. True unemployment is over 20%. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and their homes to foreclosure. Millions more will face the same fate. Legitimate War Crimes issues regarding the previous administration go un-investigated, the perpetrators free and uncaring. Over $700 billion dollars and 4,500 lives have been spent on 2 illegal and unjustified wars, with the cost ultimately estimated at $3 trillion, and who can say how many lives. Drug use is rampant, and growing. Illiteracy and a dismal educational system crush the hopes of many young people. Crime is increasing at an alarming rate, while over 3 million Americans are imprisoned in the "Land of the Free." Police forces nationwide militarize themselves with the latest armored vehicles, body armor and high tech weaponry. Over 200,000 homeless veterans will sleep in alleys and on sidewalks tonight, unnoticed and forgotten.Unmolested, the NSA continues to spy on Americans within the continental United States- there are NO secrets. Many elderly, on fixed incomes, must decide between medicine or food. The country's infrastructure is disintegrating, while miles of empty houses- entire neighborhoods- sit empty and decaying as a result of the scam building boom. 46% of Americans have no health insurance. 37 million American children, living below the poverty level, will sleep hungry tonight, while rich drug gangs wage virtual war in many of their neighborhoods. In outraged response to all of this horror, to the continuing indignities and injuries heaped upon them the proud, free and independent American people do this:
"A few days ago, Iran held an election. It is alleged that there was massive fraud. The current President claimed victory under less-than-clear circumstances. The people said "hell no!" in the demonstration in the top picture: that's about 2 million people, out of 70 million population (roughly), or one in thirty-five Iranians in the entire nation who took to the streets to demand justice in a simple vote. More strikingly, Tehran has a population of roughly 12 million; this means that one in six citizens of the city are standing in that crowd.
This, despite the fact that the government there has been shooting people, has arrested the opposition party and issued an order to burn the ballots so there can be no recount. This, despite the fact that the Iranian population does not enjoy a Second Amendment, and thus is forced to fight a rogue government with makeshift molotov cocktails, rocks and clubs, should that rogue government choose to shoot. And this was about an election. A President. One man.
In our nation we have literally had 1/3rd of our GDP - that is, 1/3rd of everything you worked for last year - stolen by a bunch of fraudsters with the explicit cooperation and assistance of the government. We should be seeing 10 million Americans literally closing Washington DC with peaceful protest in the streets - making the entirety of the downtown inaccessible to vehicles and the normal conduct of business impossible, were Americans to display the same sort of anger over an insult vastly more serious than that served upon the Iranian people.
If one in six Americans had enough in America's big cities, there would be one million people in the Streets of Chicago - enough to fill Chicago's Loop from Lake Michigan to I-90/94 and from The Chicago River to beyond Soldier Field, rendering the city core impassable. (Roughly double the crowd that shows up for the 4th of July Fireworks, to put it in perspective. "Greater Chicagoland" has a population of ~7 million) The same in NY City would result in a crowd of 3.3 million people.
Where are you America?
In America, if the government turns into a goon squad, you have the constitutionally-protected ability to shoot back. In Iran you have no such ability as the Iranian government has never recognized the unalienable rights as set forth in our Declaration. So in Iran the population risks mass death to protest. In America the population risks loss of some income since you'd have to cut work. The Iranians take to the streets; we take to our couches and have another beer. Grow a pair of balls America. The people of Iran are putting us to shame."
This, despite the fact that the government there has been shooting people, has arrested the opposition party and issued an order to burn the ballots so there can be no recount. This, despite the fact that the Iranian population does not enjoy a Second Amendment, and thus is forced to fight a rogue government with makeshift molotov cocktails, rocks and clubs, should that rogue government choose to shoot. And this was about an election. A President. One man.
If one in six Americans had enough in America's big cities, there would be one million people in the Streets of Chicago - enough to fill Chicago's Loop from Lake Michigan to I-90/94 and from The Chicago River to beyond Soldier Field, rendering the city core impassable. (Roughly double the crowd that shows up for the 4th of July Fireworks, to put it in perspective. "Greater Chicagoland" has a population of ~7 million) The same in NY City would result in a crowd of 3.3 million people.
Where are you America?
In America, if the government turns into a goon squad, you have the constitutionally-protected ability to shoot back. In Iran you have no such ability as the Iranian government has never recognized the unalienable rights as set forth in our Declaration. So in Iran the population risks mass death to protest. In America the population risks loss of some income since you'd have to cut work. The Iranians take to the streets; we take to our couches and have another beer. Grow a pair of balls America. The people of Iran are putting us to shame."
- Karl Denninger, http://market-ticker.org/archives/1122-
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