Howard S. Katz, "The Time Has Come"
"Well people, we are here. I am here. But the question, dear reader, is are you here? The U.S. dollar is going to drop like a stone. And yet, the vast majority of people are walking around in a daze. When I talk to ordinary Americans, they tell me that things are bad. This is their way of agreeing with the consensus media position of last fall which confuses falling prices with economic bad and buys the whole media line of that time. You want to see bad? You are going to see bad. But it is not the bad of falling prices. By the time the current Administration is over, the average American will beg for falling prices. No, we are going to see the bad of rising prices, as they have just seen in Zimbabwe.
Do you know what has happened in Zimbabwe over the past few years? The dictator of the country engaged in a massive campaign of printing money. Cato has an interesting article on it. In one month, November 2008, prices (in terms of Zimbabwe dollars) were going up at a rate of 79,600,000,000%. That is another way of saying that prices were multiplying by (a little less than) 800 million times per month. That is, they were doubling every day.
It became impossible to earn money in Zimbabwe because no matter how hard you worked and no matter how much you earned, the amount of goods you could buy dropped to almost nothing. People escaped over the border to South Africa to earn a little (real) money to buy food for their families. There are pictures of starving Zimbabweans who are little more than skin and bones. A law was passed saying that you could not draw your own money out of your bank account in amounts of more than $2 per day (in U.S. money). Finally, in late 2008, the hospital workers walked off their jobs because their salaries had dropped to little more than zero. And then a wave of cholera swept the nation. That seemed to be the trigger. The people of Zimbabwe finally rose up against the evil dictator Mugabe and put a stop to his rule and to the new issues of money. Today U.S. dollars are circulating as the Zimbabwe currency.
Now things are not as bad here in the U.S. But they are heading in the same direction. Over the past year, the amount of money in the U.S. has increased by almost exactly $1 trillion. This is a 70% increase from a year ago. And it will cause an approximately 70% increase in prices with a 1-2 year lag time. The greatest price increase in American history was 13.3%, in 1979. One year later, Americans threw the party in power out of office and instituted a political revolution. I will give you three guesses about what will happen in 2012.
The thing you have to keep firmly in mind is that there are many people in the world who want to steal your wealth. They go about it in many ways. The common thief is the most widely known, but he is not very successful. The police come and lock him away. As a result, more sophisticated methods of stealing are developed. For example, during the Middle Ages, the average person was reduced to being a serf. This meant that he had to go into the occupation of his father and was not allowed to quit his job. His feudal lord allowed him a bare subsistence and took the rest for himself. This was considered legal until, in the 17th century, the people rose up, established a democracy and voted in a Bill of Rights.
Ever since that time, a group of evil people have been trying to reestablish the hold which the medieval aristocracy had over their serfs. They have only been partially successful. Here in the United States, this group succeeded in obtaining the special privilege of printing money (i.e., of doing what would be called counterfeiting if anyone else did it). This was enacted on March 9, 1933 (The Emergency Banking Bill of 1933), the very first act of the new F.D.R. Administration. This gave the commercial bankers the privilege to create money. Savings banks got the privilege in the 1980s. And the banks' big corporate loan customers benefit from the privilege indirectly (via lower interest rates). In a general sense, people who get special privileges from the government which enable them to steal your wealth are called a power structure. A power structure should be thought of as a watered down version of the medieval aristocracy. They are always dangerous. They want your wealth, and they want your freedom.
As noted, the power structure in the United States today operates by issuing paper money. They donate to both political parties and thereby get their agents installed as economic advisors. For example, Henry Paulson was the agent of Goldman Sachs, installed as the economic advisor to President Bush. It seems to run in the Bush family to know nothing about economics. Greenspan, to curry favor with the power structure, eased credit from 6% in 2000 to 1% in 2003. At the same time he printed large amounts of money. This caused the housing bubble, which, for quite a while, made lots of money for Goldman Sachs and many other banks and Wall Street firms. It also made houses too expensive for the average American to afford. When there was finally a pause in the printing of money, housing prices collapsed. This caused what is called the sub-prime crisis and revealed Goldman Sachs and the other Wall Street houses for what they were - a collection of frauds.

This was called a taxpayer bailout of the banks, but there was no tax increase associated with it, and the media's reference to it as a taxpayer bailout was another in a layer of lies. The average American did pay for the money given to the banks and Wall Street, but not via a tax increase. In fact, the money was created out of nothing by the Federal Reserve from Sept. to Dec. of last year as you can see in the above chart. At the present time, it is better to use the monetary base as a measure of what is going on because the Federal Reserve is lying about the money supply. They are reporting the nation's money supply as smaller than the monetary base when in fact the base is a part of the money supply.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.So to sum up what is happening, the modern American power structure is trying to rob you. They squandered enormous amounts of wealth in the early years of this decade (because they are incompetent fools). They don't want to pay for it. They want you to pay for it. That was the "crisis" of 2008. Their technique is to control both parties via campaign donations and get whoever is elected to steal from you for their benefit. But their only method of stealing is via the paper money process. That is, they are counterfeiters, not conventional thieves. This is a weakness. It means that you can protect yourself from the depreciation of the (paper) currency by using gold as a store of value. But if too many Americans protect themselves, then the power structure cannot benefit. Therefore, they dominate the media and get a cartload of lies dumped on the American people.
Here is the bottom line. To take our wealth, the power structure has to lie to us. Those who believe the power structure (whose voice comes to them via their local newspaper and the TV news) will be robbed. They will not buy gold. They will have their assets in paper money. And they will be destroyed. The few, the proud, the gold bugs…will hold their heads high. The power structure will not have stolen any of their wealth.
The important thing to understand about the Bush Administration is that they panicked and supported the bank bailout of last year, leaving the country with a deficit of over $1 trillion for 2009. The important thing to understand about the Obama Administration is that it has somehow increased spending so as to project trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see.
Now here is something that is very important to understand (and yet is understood by virtually no one). Every time the government runs a deficit (of any size at all) it creates money. This began with the origin of democracy (in England in 1689). The new democratic government wanted to spend money like water, as the old monarchical government had done. But unlike the old monarchical government the new democratic government was subject to the legislature, and the legislature was subject to the will of the people. The people said, "NO NEW TAXES."
So the new government invented the paper money system. The Bank of England was created (1694). It printed up paper money and lent this to the government. The paper money caused an increase in prices. Thus the people paid for the new spending via higher prices for the necessities of life when they had just refused to pay via taxes. That is the system under which we live. The power structure still exploits us, but it does so by fraud rather than by brute force. Those who understand this can be free men and keep for themselves the product of their labor.
By my figuring, the U.S. money supply has increased from $1.3 trillion in May 2008 to $2.3 trillion in May 2009 (not the reported figure). This is a 70% increase There will be (approximately) another $trillion created in 2010 to finance that deficit, taking the money supply up to $3.3 trillion, then another $trillion in 2011 up to $4.3 trillion and then another $trillion in 2012 up to $5.3 trillion. In 2013, there is at least hope for a new administration which will balance the budget.
You know how hard it is to cut a budget deficit. One side screams against any cut in government spending. The other side screams against any increase in taxes. We have just estimated a 4-fold increase in the money supply over the next 4 years. Prices follow the money supply by 1-2 years. How would you like to see your everyday prices multiply 4-fold by 2014? Gas at $10/gallon, the median home price at $800,000, the Wall Street Journal at $8.00/day. Notice that the Wall Street Journal keeps warning us of the threat of deflation but keeps raising its price. Its business department is too smart to believe what is printed in their own paper."
- Howard S. Katz,
So pathetic... try to discuss this with the average American, and their eyes glaze over within 10 seconds, and they begin chanting their mantra that "it could never happen here!" Reality is the very last thing they want to consider, when, after all, "American Idol" is coming on, and "we gotta stock up for the Big Game on Saturday, right?" Deaf, dumb and blind sheep... eagerly, proudly waving their flags while being led to the slaughter...
So pathetic... try to discuss this with the average American, and their eyes glaze over within 10 seconds, and they begin chanting their mantra that "it could never happen here!" Reality is the very last thing they want to consider, when, after all, "American Idol" is coming on, and "we gotta stock up for the Big Game on Saturday, right?" Deaf, dumb and blind sheep... eagerly, proudly waving their flags while being led to the slaughter...
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