Analysis: "America's Eurasian Endgame"

"America's Eurasian Endgame"

"For those not paying attention, the baby steps of a serious economic and political alliance within this huge region (Asia and SouthEast Asia) are unfolding. The keystone here is Russia. With the Sino-Russian Treaty that followed the 911 attacks, Russia and China sought to strengthen their geo-political positions out of concern for US reactions. They saw the US opportunity to expand its “sphere of influence” for security reasons. They were correct. This was the impetus for a Trans-Siberia Pipeline which includes the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Pipeline. Enter the opportunity to embrace the Iranian economy and promote the IPI pipeline. Russia encourages Ahmadinejad to step up the diplomacy within the region. The Sino-Russia-Iranian empire will naturally include India, Pakistan and dip into the entire South East Asia region. We are looking at an economic alliance that will rival the EU and anything the US may do to unite the Western Hemisphere.
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It appears that Russia and China are only compatible when it comes to protecting their interests with Iran. However, mixed signals about this odd couple warrant closer scrutiny. Both countries are definite about opposing western interference in places where they have material interest. This administration has done too much to push these giant countries together. Their differences are shrinking as the US becomes a bigger thorn in their security.

The more America behaves as a proprietary empire, countries will view us as a common menace. Those countries will put aside their differences to unite in a protective coalition of their own. As we see happening right now, China and Russia will stand to protect their investments and economic stability. America is creating enemies bigger than we are. Arrogance is not sustainable. Paybacks are hell …

While we were sleeping and having dreams about Middle East Empires, Russia is pissed off. It holds hands with China and agrees that the US is out of control, they decide to ‘buddy up’. North Korea, in the meanwhile, is getting closer to what it wanted all along, RESPECT. Their name is being scratched off the ‘evil nation’ list and Kim will get his favorite booze … The good ole Cold War days, James Bond and I Spy, are returning to a country near you. What a relief this will be. Let those double agents knock each other off in clandestine scenarios instead of trashing whole countries. Oh yeah, Cold War is more doable than what we have now. Watch Russia very closely, and hope they remember “mutually assured destruction” (the MAD rule), that kept everyone alive and on their guard.

Russia no longer tries to reason with the spoiled bullies running this country. Moscow and Beijing are building a coalition that out-numbers anything the West could ever imagine. While the US sells arms to anyone with a ‘fistful of dollars’, the East is purchasing advanced weapons technology from anywhere they find it. This A-Bomb-A-Nation has squandered its resources on a losing proposition to corner a market on fossil energy.

The other side of the world is watching the US waste away … when they’re ready, they will pull the plug and sell billions of US Treasury notes to hamstring our economy. Anyone guess at the long term motive? China and Russia see a delicious opportunity, and Eastern businesses are notorious entrepreneurs. What a prize we would be … are we too weary to see the big picture? Are we blind? Do we even care? Political overload and despondency over a Middle East quagmire have created so much infighting that our attention deficit leaves the US vulnerable. Judeo-Christian-Islamic militant extremists are wasting away defensive resources to the point that anyone could just walk in and declare the US as the western province of a greater empire. Oh yes, there would be a lot of blood, most of it ours. Yes, the unthinkable could happen out of desperate frustration. Like a jealous lover who cries ‘if I can’t have you, then no one can’ just as he shoots the very one they love. Problem is that everyone has nukes …”

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