"New Universal Translator for Firefox Browser"
"Ever wondered what the Arabic or Chinese press are saying about the issues of the day? Finding out just got a lot easier, at least for those using the Firefox web browser. A new plug-in identifies the language used on a web page and automatically provides a translation, leaving the layout of the page unchanged.
The plug-in, designed by the San Francisco-based Worldwide Lexicon project, recognises over 40 languages. Users start by telling the software which language they prefer. When a page written in a different language loads, the software searches for translations provided by the project's community of volunteers. If none is available it uses an online services such as Google Translate. A test version of the plug-in is available at the Firefox website.*"
The plug-in, designed by the San Francisco-based Worldwide Lexicon project, recognises over 40 languages. Users start by telling the software which language they prefer. When a page written in a different language loads, the software searches for translations provided by the project's community of volunteers. If none is available it uses an online services such as Google Translate. A test version of the plug-in is available at the Firefox website.*"
- http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20327245.000-universal-translator-for-web-browsers.html
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