Warren "Bones" Bonesteel: "Reader Resources on Systemic Collapse"

Warren "Bones" Bonesteel is an accomplished author and researcher whose opinions I highly respect and trust. He kindly forwarded the following material to me as a resource in understanding current and future social, political and economic events in America. The material is immaculately researched and referenced, as all of his work is. We're running out of time, folks. Events will begin happening shortly that none of us would have imagined a few short years ago. In the interest of expediency, the link below will lead you to "Bones's" research material, so you can examine it for yourself. I urge you to avail yourself of this exceptionally knowledgable and informative material, form your own "truth," and let that guide your future actions. Many thanks to Warren "Bones" Bonesteel for his invaluable contributions. - CoyotePrime

"Economic Depression, Civil Unrest and the Breakdown of Order in America"

by Warren "Bones" Bonesteel

"The resources I've enclosed below are by credible people - professionals, educators, journalists, policy makers, businessmen and nationally and internationally recognized experts.

For example, Joseph M. Miller retired as a board member of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. One of his associates is a physicist who worked for Control Data Corporation. The other, Marion Butler, has a background as a CFO. Niall Ferguson holds a Chair in the history department at Harvard.

There's an article by Israeli historian Martin van Creveld. Dr. Krassimir Petrov is from Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia. Pranab Bardhan is a professor of economics at Berkley. David Rosenberg is Merril Lynch's North American Economist. Carmen M. Reinhart is a professor of economics at the University of Maryland. Phil Howison is from Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand. Professor Michael T. Klare is from Hampshire College.

Most of the other resources (at link below) were prepared by people with similar backgrounds. Individually, and as a group, their work appears to lead to the same general conclusion: Life as we've always known it is just about over."
Warren "Bones" Bonesteel, Author and Researcher, wrsteel@blackhawke.net

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