While away I had the chance to read "Bailout Nation," by Barry Ritholtz. Folks, I cannot recommend this book highly enough. If you want an understanding of how the economy of America, and the world, was destroyed by insatiable greed, arrogance, and stupidity, read this book. From the corrupt politicians passing legislation allowing insane leveraging, totally impotent legal enforcement, the astonishing misfeasance and culpability of the Federal Reserve, this book "tells it like it is." Bill Bonner, of the "Daily Reckoning", referred to the Wall Street banksters as "more knaves than fools..." Calling them "knaves" is far too kind, as you learn how these greed-deranged "Elites" corrupted and controlled not only their financial whores in the Congress and the Senate, but also the US Treasury and the Executive branch of the government. And their minions are still in place, actively promoting their agenda of robbing this country blind.
If you still believe this country is "by the people, and for the people," you're in for a very rude awakening. We have been totally and completely betrayed, folks, and horrifically financially raped by these thieves. Calling this economic treason against the country is not a hard stretch. Learn the truth for yourself, read this book. Then remember where you put your pitchfork...
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