"Not from Without But From Within"

"Not from Without But From Within"
by Sidewalk Catharsis

"Well, February 2010 has come and gone. Unless you live in Haiti or Chile there was little remarkable acute trouble of note. A month when even the prolific inner voice of the Dog Poet had warned we could see some real breakout of The Impending Crisis. Purim came and went with a full court press of US faction officials in the Middle East pushing for war, war, war! Even Webster Tarpley came on Rense in February saying that war with Iran (and thus the beginning of the collapse) was closer than ever before. It just seemed so much like something would pop. But again - no.

That's not to say things aren't heading to hades in a hand basket. The Telegraph UK ran probably the best comprehensive snapshot of where the USA is at today while our so called press continues to trumpet the "recovery". Henry Adams never spoke greater truth than when he wrote, "The press is a hired agent of a monied system, and set up for no other purpose than to tell lies where their interests are involved."

Certainly our press is blaring out lies, lies and more lies about happy times being just around the corner. My favorite video blogger, GeorgeForTitle ran a great post the other day giving yet another snapshot of truth. More people every day are agreeing with me that they sense something is dreadfully wrong. I had a 5 minute conversation with a UPS delivery man in an elevator at work last week where we confirmed that we both see the same signs and portents all around us. Similarly, a co-worker confided to me over lunch that he now sees something as terribly wrong - using the words, "it's insane!" over and over.

On the other hand, I chatted with a retired engineer who went from friendly and happy to suppressed rage when I mentioned that something might be wrong with the economy. My own brother flew into an uncontrolled rage much the same way the last time I spoke to him. What surprised me in both cases was the sudden shift and the depth of the anger. Never has anyone protested too loudly more than those two.

So where does this leave us? The number and velocity of outbreaks of truth from various sources is accelerating exponentially. Rense commented on this twice last month. He used to search for a whole day sometimes to find a news item worth putting up on his website. Now he has dozens or even scores every day to choose from. It's like a tsunami of truth washing over and around the breakwater of the government and press establishment. When will the breakwater give way? Then something occurred to me. It probably never will.

One of the key features of the international cabal that has been at war with the Common Good for so long is that they are few in number. There are over 6 billion of us trying to get by, while the total numbers of Them are variously quoted in the range of 2 to 6 million. A tiny fraction of our civilization. What's more, the power elite are in possession of unimaginable resources which they can use to isolate and insulate themselves from the reality that you and I must face every day. They don't have to worry about sales figures, layoffs, street crime, or any of the real issues of life. They don't have to worry about feeding their families. They all live in ivory towers far above the daily fray.

The Dog Poet postulated in his latest post that perhaps some etherial universal good has prevented the evil doers from moving their plans forward in February. I think it's a different issue. I think that their viciousness has reached so deep into the roots of our civilization that it has already killed it at the root. It's not that our civilization will collapse, it IS collapsing all around us. In the US, State, County and Town governments are failing all around us. The State of California had a failed two billion dollar bond auction last week. No takers. Illinois has been handing out IOU's since last October and is seeing vital services shutting down as vendors go broke. School bus companies can't use IOU's to buy gas - so the busses just stop running. The press covers it up. The politicians pretend it's not happening. But your kid stands on the corner and no bus shows up. That right there is what IS happening.

One of the things GeorgeForTitle pointed out is that 18% of the homes in Southern California are currently delinquent in their mortgage payments. Consider that for a moment. There are 17.7 million people just in the greater Los Angeles area. Per the last census there are 2.83 persons per family in LA, making for 6.25 million families. It's hard to find out how many of those families own homes versus renting so let's be conservative and assume half are renters. That means that almost 600,000 families are squatting in their own homes. In just one major city.

Now think about this - the Power Elite are few in number. The nasty little tendrils of their control apparatus are all concentrated at the centers of power. It has infested the brain of our civilization to use a biological allegory. But their choking and squeezing of the brain for so long has finally killed off the extremities. Without a County Sheriff to send out to do their bidding in each of the over 3,000 US counties - they are powerless. Their entire model is a small group controlling a large one through deceit and subterfuge. But if the large group dissolves the small group dies just like any "too successful", parasite.

I firmly believe that what we are seeing RIGHT NOW is the dissolution of the already dead civilization. You will not hear a peep about this on the TeeVee, or in the New York Crimes newspaper. No. The first indication many will have is when they are laid off from their job. Then they go to sign up for unemployment and find that the State workers are on unpaid furlough two days a week. When they finally get their social support flowing it comes for a time, then in fits and starts, and finally stops. They go to the grocery store and it's mostly empty with only the store manager and one helper to service them. Finally, when a handful of looters pass through their neighborhood they call 911 and get a disconnect notice. All the while the TeeVee is trumpeting that the DOW will break 11,000 any day, that the housing market most probably has bottomed out and it is on the way to recovery, and that unemployment numbers are looking better. The body is on the death bed, but the brain keeps sending signals in a vain hope that some response will come. Best to start laying up supplies for this next winter. It's likely to be long, hungry, and cold."

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