A Personal Comment- Reader Advisory

Recently I posted a poll regarding article content of this blog, offering choices ranging from "The truth, however unpleasant," to "Comforting fantasies and lies." 19 of the 21 responders chose the truth, which has always been the sole intent of this blog. The following 2 posts, "USA: We're #1? Think Again" and "America: The Grim Truth" contain objectively factual information that, in my opinion, reflects very accurately the condition of our country at this critical time. This is plain, brutal truth. If you, Good Reader, are uncomfortable with facts that portray America in a dismal light, despite the accuracy of the facts, don't read these posts. This is NOT "Mom, the flag, and apple pie" in Mayberry, circa 1950, and Andy Griffith's Sheriff Taylor doesn't live here anymore. You may be disappointed, and perhaps angry, at what you read. But facts are facts, and will not change despite our unwillingness to confront them. How can we fix what we're unaware of? The sole reason this blog exists is to bring you the most accurate version of "truth" available, to alert and inform you of conditions and events the "main stream media" will never do. What you choose to do with that truth, and your reaction to it, is of course your personal concern. Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger.
- CoyotePrime

“Man is always inclined to be intolerant towards the thing, or person,
he hasn't taken the time adequately to understand.”
- Robert R. Brown

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