Greg Hunter, "Inflation and Bailouts Go Hand in Hand"
By Greg Hunter
I guess now we know why Ben Bernanke is supplying Greece with $105 billion in bailout money. It looks like he actually is bailing out U.S. Banks—again! I wrote about the Fed admitting to massive money creation 3 weeks ago in a post called “Bernanke Admits Printing $1.3 Trillion Out Of Thin Air.” It also looks like we are not going to stop this money printing train wreck because the bailouts seem to be never ending. This is the main reason we are facing a head-on collision with very big inflation.
In the latest report from John Williams of, the inflation picture looks dire and definite. Williams wrote, “My outlook for a hyperinflationary great depression in the United States is unchanged; all that is unfolding now is some of the detail that should lead to that ultimate financial/economic disaster. Gold remains the best long-term hedge here, along with some silver, and cash outside the U.S. dollar and the United States. I still like the Canadian and Australian dollars and the Swiss franc. Again, the outlook is for the long haul, irrespective of any near-term extreme volatility in the various markets. As to the U.S. stock market, the term “insanity” comes to mind as I watch some of the day-to-day movements.”
I keep trying to find ways to explain the scope of what is going on in the world financial markets to friends and readers of this site. I told an acquaintance at dinner last night the money printing going on “has never happened on this scale in human history.” The guy just looked at me and said that he thought it was a good idea to invest in municipal bonds! How are broke cities and states going to pay the interest, let alone the principal, back. If the cities and states are bailed out, massive inflation will render the bonds worthless or near worthless.
People just do not understand the calamity that is upon us, but what do you expect when the mainstream media keeps broadcasting that we are in a “recovery.” I do not know exactly how this is going to end, but for the unprepared, it will end badly."
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