The Economy: Greg Hunter, "The Canary Is Dead"
by Greg Hunter
There is one other option, print money and bail out Greece. Here’s how investment guru Monty Guild sums up the bailout scenario: “This is happening because if Europe does not support Greece, the government debt contagion that we have been discussing in recent memos will continue and spread. It will spread to Spain and Portugal and later to many countries in Europe including Italy and possibly France. Because they fear the spreading contagion, Europe wants to stop the crisis as soon as possible. In other words, Europe is getting a bailout, not just Greece.”
Greece isn’t the only country to have a bad debt problem, just the first to fall. America will also need a bailout, and the Federal Reserve has been doing just that by printing more money than the world has ever seen. This is why gold has been on a steady uptrend. The smart money already sees the yellow metal as, well, money! Economist Dr. Marc Faber appeared on Bloomberg yesterday to talk about the market plunge and said, “The governments are all bankrupt. They can only survive by printing money (to pay debts), and they’ll print money and print money. That’s why the price of gold went up today when everything else went down.”
So what is it going to take to “fix” the debt mess the world finds itself in today? Well, first of all, there really is no “fix” because the debt problem is just way, way too huge. According to the Bank of International Settlements, the debt ball in the world today is $600 trillion.
This debt ball is made up of complicated financial instruments called derivatives. There are plenty of these instruments in places like Greece and around the world. These are private debt contracts between individual parties. There is no public market for derivatives. That means there are no rules, regulations or guarantees. Without a public market, there is no way to objectively price this ball of financial crap. Bob Moriarty of sums up the end game of this enormous mountain of debt this way, “...The derivatives market is going to go into a meltdown like nobody’s ever dreamed of because nobody but me and the other nine guys actually understand exactly what $600 trillion dollars is. It’s 10 times the size of the world economy, and it’s been blowing up since June 2007 when those Bears Stearns funds went under... You talk about “if” we have financial collapse. I talk about “when” because no other alternative is possible. Nobody and nothing is going to stop it from happening. It is as absolute as the time and tides.”
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