Coast Guard: "Efforts to End Oil Flow From BP Well Are Over"

"Efforts to End Oil Flow From BP Well Are Over, Coast Guard Says"
By Jim Polson

"BP has decided not to attach a second blowout preventer on its leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico and efforts to end the flow are over until the relief wells are finished, according to the U.S. Coast Guard’s Thad Allen, who spoke at a press conference today."

So it's the worst case scenario. What more needs to be said, folks? The best estimate is that 120,000 barrels are being vented every day. There's 42 gallons per barrel. If they cap it in August it will have vented for about 110 days. Do the math: 110 days X 120,000 barrels per day= 13,200,000 barrels X 42 gallons per barrel= 554,400,000 gallons of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. What more can be said? I don't know the words... - CP

Addendum: There's some deliberate misrepresentation going on here by BP- what a surprise!- in that the so-called "Top Hat" deal they're trying now will NOT stop the eruption of oil, it will allow a small percentage to be captured and sent up the mile long pipe to a containment vessel. This is a nice show to keep you believing that these fools can stop this monster. BP knows all too well that their only chance is the 2 relief wells now being drilled, which won't be ready until early August at best. If they fail, there's nothing left except a tactical nuclear weapon to try and seal it. Imagine that, a 10,000,000 degree fire ball exploding on top of trillions of cubic feet of methane/methyl hydrate and an estimated 15,000,000,000 barrels of crude oil. So what do you suppose might happen then, Good Citizen? Perhaps the biggest explosion in the history of the world, you say? You'd be right... - CP

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