"Israeli Raiders Shot American Citizen 4 Times in the Head"

"Israeli Raiders Shot American Citizen 4 Times in the Head"
by ABC News

"A U.S. citizen who lived in Turkey is among the nine people killed when Israeli commandos stormed a Turkish aid ship heading for the Gaza Strip, officials said today. The victim was identified as Furkan Dogan, 19, a Turkish-American. A forensic report said he was shot at close range, with four bullets in his head and one in his chest, according to the Anatolian news agency.

Dogan was a high school student studying social sciences in the town of Kayseri in central Turkey. He was born in Troy, N.Y., and moved to Turkey at the age of 2. He will be buried in his hometown tomorrow. Dogan's body was returned to Turkey today along with eight others, all Turkish nationals, who were on board the Mavi Marmara. The ship was sponsored by a Turkish charity, the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (IHH) and was carrying aid to Gaza in defiance of the Israeli blockade. The charity released the names of all nine dead. All are male and the ages range from 32 to 61.

The Mavi Marmara formed part of a flotilla that was organized by the Free Gaza movement and intended to break the three-year Israeli blockade on the embattled Palestinian enclave. Israeli commandos rappelled onto the decks of the six ships Monday, but on the Mavi Marmara the passengers battled the soldiers with metal rods, wrested weapons from soldiers and, according to the Israeli military, fired on them. Nine people died and more than 30 were wounded, including several Israeli troops."
- http://abcnews.go.com/WN/Media/american-killed-gaza-aid-flotilla/story?id=10814848

These murderers are so used to treating the Palestinians like this, I guess they just forgot who these people were. I repeat my comment from the other day: So now it's piracy on the high seas, and the killing of people trying to help the victims of the totally vile blockade of Gaza. 3 years now, blockading Gaza, preventing food, medicine and other supplies from reaching 1.5 million Palestinians. But it's all the fault of those pesky Palestinians who just refuse to die or go away, isn't it, Israel? Oh, those Palestinians, the same ones who suffered from "Operation Cast Lead", when tanks, fighter jets, artillery and Apache gunships attacked defenseless men, women, and children? Or is Israeli compassion shown by cutting the electricity and water to Gaza, and preventing normal commerce and re-supply of food? Or is it the Palestinians whose homes and olive orchards are bulldozed to make way for "settlements"? How dare Palestinians resent being treated ruthlessly by the worst racist apartheid system in the world, one that puts the old South African system to shame in it's ferocity? Yes, it's all the fault of those damned Palestinians, isn't it, Israel? And you're always the righteous victim, aren't you, merely defending yourself from the savage barbarian hordes, right? Poor, sad, lonely Israel, always the victim. Well, Israel, if this blog wasn't rated PG I'd tell you to go f@#k yourself, and take your hypocritical whinings with you. But I can't, so I'll simply remind you that your true nature is revealed more every time you act out, every time you commit another crime against humanity, every time you kill innocent people. And the next time you're feeling really victimized, and just can't seem to understand why you're being condemned, and wonder who caused it all, look in the mirror. Your answer is right there. That's my opinion, and I frankly don't give a damn about who doesn't like it. - CP

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