The Economy: "For the Baby Busters, It's Downsize or Die"
by Richard Benson
American Boomers thought that the future would always bail them out, but the future is here and the house is upside down, the credit cards are maxed out, and job stability has vanished. The prosperity they thought they had achieved was only a fantasy and the Boomers have now become the Baby Busters.
When you actually sit down and examine the cost of living these days, the nickels and dimes can add up real fast. After paying for food, phone, cable, electricity, newspapers, maintenance, gas, taxes, and insurance, most of us are left with only pennies. Also, a healthy lifestyle – gym memberships, organic fresh fruits and vegetables – is beyond reach for many creating a frustrated society where diabetes is fast becoming a pediatric disease. It’s no wonder fast food restaurants continue to thrive as they cater to the masses; they’re inexpensive for sure, but the food can make you obese and send you to the emergency room.
As my wife and I watch these events unfold before our eyes, we both feel fortunate not to have fed into the frenzy. We never really upsized, perhaps because of our upbringing, but our parents had common sense and a strong work ethic which fortunately rubbed off. More likely, though, it’s because my wife and I both lived for decades in Manhattan where the cost of living is extraordinarily high. An average two-bedroom 2-bath apartment there could cost a whopping $1.5 million or more, without a great view. This price point is way beyond the cost of a modest apartment of the same size on the island of Palm Beach, yet we get free parking, a stunning view, and a swimming pool. By focusing on keeping the monthly expense “nut” down and having the old-fashioned attitude that if you can’t buy it for cash, you shouldn’t buy it at all, we’ve discovered that, by luck, we managed to downsize by never really upsizing to begin with!
But time is not on our side. Some Baby Busters only have a few years left to provide for retirement. Others might have as much as ten years, which can pass in the blink of an eye. If a Boomer wants to avoid becoming a Buster (living on cheese wiz and saltines) they’ll need to do the following: First, cut back by living within their means and stop incurring debt; Second, a safe retirement is unattainable when there is debt so you’ll need to cut back even more to pare down that debt; and, Third, you’ll need to save. Saving is not easy in a zero interest rate environment but you’ll need to save even more because the Fed wants savers to get nothing! Worse yet, counting on winning at the stock market casino is not a plan for the average saver, just a surefire way to make the owners of the casino (Goldman Sachs) rich. So, downsize, pay down debt, and tighten the belt again to save before it’s too late!
For far too many Baby Busters living frugally is like being held in purgatory, living without easy credit feels like an excruciatingly slow death, and saving money, while paying back debt, is a living hell. For lack of a better word, my wife and I were “lucky” to have survived the turmoil of our generation. As my wife politely reminds me from time to time, “it’s nice to live in heaven before you die”, but the joke is if we had upsized in the ‘90s like most Boomers, today we would be having a hell of a time."
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