BP Oil Disaster: "Dead Zones, Live Video Feeds, By the Numbers"
by Chris Kromm
The primary culprit? Nitrate-laced runoff from agricultural operations along the Mississippi River, which eventually drain into Gulf waters. One study found that 51% of nitrogen load in the Mississippi was from commercial fertilizer, with livestock manure, human sewage and runoff from other crops contributing to the mix. Fall weather brings cooling air and churning waters that dampen algae growth, but scientists are now seeing a "legacy" effect where lingering decomposed organic matter continues to steal away oxygen. This means that even if nitrate levels hold steady or decline, past pollution can still cause Dead Zones to expand in the future.
Now add the BP disaster. Gushing oil is the most immediate threat to marine life, but scientists see another looming danger: methane, which BP itself has estimated constitutes 40% of what's flooding out of the Deepwater Horizon drill site. Last week, John Kessler of Texas A&M University measured methane levels at 35 different locations near and far from the BP disaster, and here's what he found: "Levels of methane in deep-ocean waters near the Deepwater Horizon oil spill are 10,000 to 100,000 times higher than normal, and in some very hot spots "we saw them approaching 1 million times above" what would be normal, says ocean chemist John Kessler. What's wrong with methane? Like nitrates, it stimulates the growth of shallow-water life - in this case, feeding microbes - that sucks up ocean oxygen and kills off deeper-water animals life seabed shellfish. In some places, Kessler's team found "depletions [of oxygen] up to 30 percent."
The result would be "a disaster for the Gulf of Mexico," says Simon Donner, a geographer at the University of British Columbia. Along with scientist Chris Kucharik, Donner published a study in the March 18, 2008 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences which showed that: "Scaling up corn production to meet the 15-billion-gallon goal would increase nitrogen loading in the Dead Zone by 10-18%. This would boost nitrogen levels to twice the level recommended by the Mississippi Basin/Gulf of Mexico Water Nutrient Task Force, a coalition of federal, state, and tribal agencies that has monitored the Dead Zone since 1997. The task force says a 30% reduction of nitrogen runoff is needed if the Dead Zone is to shrink."
Groups like the American Farmland Trust are pushing for solutions: Their Best Management Practices contest pays farmers to reduce fertilizer use and therefore nitrate runoff. But these are still small-scale answers to a national problem that demands a federal response. Until Washington comes up with a plan to address the growing Gulf Dead Zones, thousands of square miles of ocean waters -- and the thousands of families who depend on them for a living - face a grim future, long after news headlines of the BP disaster fade away."
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/
Gulf of Mexico Live Feeds:
From the Huffington Post:
A 378 picture slide show and two BP oil spill live feeds are shown:
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/26/bp-oil-spill-live-feed-vi_n_590635.html
CNN: No embedding, please click link for live feed: http://live.cnn.com/
By the Numbers, 7/2/10:
74 days X 120,000 barrels per day= 8,880,000 barrels, or 372,960,000 gallons to date.
At this rate, Matt Simmons has estimated it could flow for "30 years" before the reservoir is exhausted.
Under existing Federal environmental law BP faces a $4,300 fine per barrel discharged:
8,880,000 barrels X $4,300 = $38,184,000,000 in fines, to date.
Gulf of Mexico Live Feeds:
"The camera feeds are from the remote operated vehicles (ROV) working on the sea floor. (The feeds use Windows Media Player). The feeds may take a moment to load and go on and off. If all the screens are black, BP may be resetting. We'll keep the panel up as long as they indicate the links are available. Live feed of all eleven cameras on the ocean floor:
- http://climate.the-environmentalist.org/2010/06/live-video-feeds-of-gulf-oil-disaster.html•
From the Huffington Post:
A 378 picture slide show and two BP oil spill live feeds are shown:
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/26/bp-oil-spill-live-feed-vi_n_590635.html
CNN: No embedding, please click link for live feed: http://live.cnn.com/
By the Numbers, 7/2/10:
BP is lying through their teeth about how much oil has been vented, as well as about cleanup efforts and the amount of dispersant they've used. They, and the Federal government, cannot be relied upon as an accurate source of truth. Matt Simmons, a long time expert in these matters said, after examining the video of the rupture, that the volume of oil escaping was approximately 120,000 barrels per day. Each barrel contains 42 gallons of oil. The rupture has been flowing for 74 days now. Let's do the math:
74 days X 120,000 barrels per day= 8,880,000 barrels, or 372,960,000 gallons to date.
At this rate, Matt Simmons has estimated it could flow for "30 years" before the reservoir is exhausted.
Under existing Federal environmental law BP faces a $4,300 fine per barrel discharged:
8,880,000 barrels X $4,300 = $38,184,000,000 in fines, to date.
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