"Troops Wonder: What Are We Doing In Afghanistan, Again?"
By Spencer Ackerman
Some considered the war a distraction from broader national security challenges like Iran or China. Others thought that its costs — nearly ten years, $321 billion, 1243 U.S. deaths and counting — are too high, playing into Osama bin Laden’s “Bleed To Bankruptcy” strategy. Still others thought that it doesn’t make sense for President Obama simultaneously triple U.S. troop levels and announce that they’re going to start coming down, however slowly, in July 2011. At least one person was convinced, despite the evidence, that firing Gen. Stanley McChrystal meant the strategy was due for an overhaul, something I chalked up to the will to believe.
But if there was a common denominator to their critiques, it’s this: None understood how their day-to-day jobs actually contributed to a successful outcome. One person actually asked me if I could explain how it’s all supposed to knit together.
What they wanted to hear was a sure path — any path — to winning it. Or even just a clear definition of success. If the goal is stabilizing Afghanistan, what does that have to do with defeating al-Qaeda? If this is a war against al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda is in the untouchable areas of tribal Pakistan, where the troops can’t go, why not just draw down to a few bases in the east in order to drop bombs and launch missiles? Even if we can’t just do that, what will Afghans consider “stable,” anyway? Is all of this vagueness just a cover so we can decide at a certain point that we can withdraw in a face-saving way, declaring victory as it suits us to cover up a no-win situation? If so, why not just do that now?
Overwhelmingly, these sentiments were expressed to me as questions, not hardened positions. I didn’t find troops going off on political or strategic diatribes. (Well, there was that one guy.) Instead, I heard them try to work out the complexities of a strategy that didn’t quite add up for them. Only two people I talked to sounded resigned to the war amounting to a debacle. One of them considered it a disaster because, in his view, it diverts the United State’s attention from the growing strength of states like Iran and China.
I mentioned to some of my interlocutors that I was going to interview Gen. Petraeus. Their questions to me informed some of my questions to him. Above all: What end state is his campaign plan supposed to bring about? Reducing the Taliban to irrelevance, getting the Taliban to negotiate, or bringing them down just to the point where the Afghan security forces can handle them? “I think it’s all of the above,” Petraeus answered. “But, obviously, success in this country is an Afghanistan that can secure and govern itself, and doing that obviously requires security for the population, neutralizing the insurgent population by a variety of ways. Irreconcilables have to be killed captured or run off.” I wonder if that assuaged any of the skeptical troops I spoke with at Bagram, since those are three rather different endpoints.
During a wide-ranging interview last week, Maj. Gen. John Campbell, commander of NATO troops in Eastern Afghanistan, lamented the U.S.’s inability to speak clearly and compellingly about its war aims after 10 years of fighting. “We can sell Coke and KFC all over the world,” he said, “but we can’t tell people back home why we’re here.” Nor, apparently, the troops down the road from his Disney Drive office."
- http://www.wired.com/
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