Unknown History? "Anomalies: 2,000 Year Old Aluminum Plate?"

 "2,000 Year Old Aluminum Plate And Other Ancient
Anomalies: What's It All Mean?"
By Grant Lawrence

Bodhi Thunder: Recently I reported on the Dropa Stones* and a possible ancient UFO Alien settlement near Tibet. "...The 716 disc plates, tells the story of the Dropa, being a space probe from a distant planet that crash-landed in the Baian-Kara-Ula Mountains of the Himalayas. The occupants of the spacecraft, the Dropa, found refuge in a caves of the mountains, and further tell how they were unable to repair their disabled spacecraft, leaving them unable to return to their home planet, becoming stranded on earth..."(Source: The Blunt Blogger)

Dr. Nui was forbidden from publishing a paper of his transcription of the Dropa Stones by the Academy of Prehistory. It is likely that there is a great deal that is discovered regarding ancient human history that is kept secret. If the discoveries don't fit into prevailing scientific thought then they are likely discarded or even covered up.

The following is another example: "An aluminum plate found during building work in Vladivostok has got scientists baffled – and could be evidence of aliens visiting Russia’s Pacific coast. Humans have been using aluminum for about a century, but the plate unearthed by Valery Dvuzhilny is 2,000 years old, he claims. The artifact surfaced during preparatory work to build a new bridge in the far eastern city for the 2012 APEC summit." (Source: The Moscow News)

How do we explain such anomalies? Well, they could be hoaxes. But they are not likely all hoaxes. It may be that humanity has developed previous civilizations that have been destroyed. The great Hindu epic, the Mahabharata, points to a destruction that appears to be from a nuclear war of the 'Gods': "...When the boon-giving Brahman, having ascended the car, set out for the Asuras... towards that spot where triple city... stood, protected by the Daityas and Danavas. The triple city then appeared immediately before that god of unbearable energy, that deity of fierce and indescribable form, that warrior who was desirous of slaying the Asuras. The illustrious deity... sped that shaft which represented the might of the whole universe, at the triple city...  loud wails of woe were heard from those cities as they began to fall. Burning those Asuras, he threw them down into the Western Ocean. Thus was the triple city burnt and thus were the Danavas exterminated by Maheswara... (Karna Parva, Section XXXIV source: atlantisquest.com)

It could also be that there were some advanced technology that has remained from UFO ET visitations. Or it could be that there is a combination of ancient advanced human civilizations destroyed by their own greed and ignorance and some human contact with ET. The ancient aluminum and the other anomalies that have been reported for decades point to a human history we know very little about."
Food for thought... think for yourself, find your own truth. - CP

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