"Celebrating (?) 100 Years of the Federal Reserve"

 "Celebrating (?) 100 Years of the Federal Reserve"
 by The Johnsville News

"The 100 year anniversary of the founding of the Federal Reserve is being celebrated at Jekyll Island, Georgia this weekend. The first Fed meeting in 1910 was a secret gathering of bankster conspirators and Washington insiders. They formulated a conspiracy to grab the financial cojones of the United States. Their evil conspiracy came to fruition in 1913, when Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act. It's been downhill for the dollar ever since then.
The dollar has dropped in value so it is now worth 4 cents and dropping in 2010, compared to 1913. In other words the 1913 dollar was worth more than $25 in current dollars. Thank you very much."
 Grand Grocery Company. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1942.

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