Karl Denninger, "The Disease That Is America"

 "The Disease That Is America"
 by Karl Denninger

"My my my, what lovely sheep you are. Last night I posted a commentary that Sarah Palin will be delivering today.  She, like all modern politicians, reads from a teleprompter.  Wow.  I'm impressed.  For the record, in all of my public-speaking engagements, I've never used one.  Even when it was offered.  I don't believe in them. 20, 30, 40 or more years ago, there wasn't one.  I will sometimes bring a set of cue cards with me to the podium, and others have historically done that as well.  In my view, if you can't orate from your mind, you can't orate.  Anyone can stuff a suit or a blouse - witness the bubbleheads on TV every day.

Are you selling your words?  Or are you selling your **** - or penis? (Get over it folks - sex sells and always has.  When was the last time you saw an ugly TV news anchor?) Nonetheless, I want to focus this commentary on the responses to that Ticker. They're not only sad, they're a reflection of us.  Some short excerpts:

• "I do not want her to be the Republican presidential candidate."
• "someone stuck their arm up her ass and is moving her mouth while reading a ticker."
• "She neither talks, writes, nor thinks like this. She is just another fraud masquerading as a "friend" to the average person, to "all Americans". She'd say or do anything. She'd **** a snake if she thought that would draw in a few hundred million more to data-dark PAC."
• "So, SP needs to stop her whining and go back to shooting wolves from helicopters - that's all she's good for."
• palin is obama in a skirt. with the less attractive message, "Cope and Shame"."
• "..am just wondering what happened to Allan Grayson, who has been somewhat vocal on these issues in the past? Guess he was on the wrong side of GGG for some to get behind..." (Ed: He only really started bashing on this when he was down double-digits - and had a month left before the election.  Sorry, no $ale; the people saw right through that one.)

Go ahead folks, tell me that my nailing of the so-called "Tea Party" that turned into the "Guns, Gays and God" Party, along with those on the left who, I will remind you, had one of their standard-bearers, Dennis Kucinich, state that money-printing was one of the reasons they lost, are all full of it.

Do you want to solve problems?  The largest problem? Then cut the GGG crap.  Right now.  All of you. Again, I ask: How important are guns, gays and god when you're starving - literally starving? You think it can't happen here eh?  Really?  The bottom quintile - the bottom 20% of income-earners in this country - are facing literal privation right now as a consequence of these policies. The input cost ramps are baked in the cake.  They're inevitable.  They cannot be avoided or stopped.  It's too late; they've happened, they're real, they're coming, and they can't be stopped.

Government's spending binge - 12% of GDP - cannot be maintained indefinitely.  Not without The Fed destroying the bond market's mediation of deficits.  And if that happens - and it is starting to happen right now - you're facing something you won't be able to guard against no matter what you put your so-called "wealth" into - including metals, including oil, including anything.  Unless you both get it out of the country and get yourself out of the country, being willing to never return so as to be beyond reach of the IRS, your wealth and everything you have worked for - everything you have hoped for your children - will be destroyed.

Go ahead folks, keep playing the GGG game.  On the left or on the right.  Pick one.  Tea Party or the George Soros Party.  Both are driving you to this to keep your eye off the ball. The ball is the theft of this nation by a group of looters that inhabit both Wall Street and Washington DC, with a revolving door between them. You want an enemy?  Focus your energy on Bernanke, Geithner and our President, who supports them both and has said nothing about shutting down the looting.

You - America - You - can fix this tomorrow.  Put 500,000 people around The Treasury and The Fed in Washington DC and refuse to leave until Geithner and Bernanke both resign and depart and the FDIC goes through all four of the largest banks, marks their "stuff" to market, and resolves all that are insolvent.  Lay peaceful siege, MLK-style. Yeah, that will cause a short-term economic dislocation.  It will also end the economic malaise and break the back of the financial class co-opting Washington DC. Until it happens, our nation's long, cold night will not end.”

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