Karl Denninger, "The Press Continues To Wake Up"

 "The Press Continues To Wake Up"
 by Karl Denninger

"If you were wondering if the Federal Government was engaged in a conspiracy (yes, that word) with the large banks to steal houses, you no longer need to wonder. It is. But even as it closed the door on state oversight, the OCC chose itself not to scrutinize the foreclosure operations of the largest national banks, forgoing any examination of their procedures and paperwork. Instead, the agency relied on the banks' in-house assessments. These provided no hint of the problems to come until they had tripped the nation's housing market, agency officials later acknowledged. Dateline: 2007.

Where have we seen this before?  Oh yeah: When the OCC went to court with the backing of the Bush Administration to block enforcement of state predatory lending laws. That's right folks: The so-called "regulators" regulated your right to a fair deal - they made sure you didn't get one.  They knew the banks were cheating and playing games - effectively robbing the people - and not only did nothing, they blocked the states from putting a stop to it.

Now can someone tell me, once again, why we as Americans continue to respect the Federal Government? And don't give me this crap about "they have guns." I remind you that in the 1960s and early 70s the government had lots of guns too, and yet the people effectively forced the government to withdraw from Vietnam.

When the people of this nation - hundreds of thousands of them - are willing to lay peaceful siege to Washington DC - to be "in their face" every single day without fail, refusing to leave, being in the face of every Congressman, every Senator, every FOMC and Federal Reserve Board Governor, every OCC employee - at their office, in front of their house, where they appear to give speeches - then, and only then, will the banks robbing people stop.

Just 1/2 of 1% of the population of this nation would be over 1.5 million people. We get robbed because we, thus far, are consenting. We get robbed because not even 1/2 of 1% of the population will rise and demand that it stop, the banks involved be closed and their executives prosecuted - being "in their face" - on a literal daily basis until it does."

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