"The Socratic Method of 9/11 Truth, And Life"

 "The Socratic Method of 9/11 Truth, And Life"
by George Washington

"An ancient philosopher discovered that his students learned more if he asked a series of questions than if he gave them the answers. By asking questions which challenged his students' faulty beliefs, and allowing them to think through it themselves, Socrates moved them slowly - using a series of questions - from false thinking towards truth. Indeed, law schools today primarily use this "Socratic Method" of teaching.

A 9/11 activist wrote a good example of the use of the Socratic Method for 9/11 truth in an email: "Here is a question I use as answer to those insisting this is all "Conspiracy theory". I mention this here because it has worked every time: Please feel free to use these ideas as your own and pass them on to others! When people say that it's all "Conspiracy theory", I ask them: "If YOU were President of the United States of America, and had to go to war for the most legitimate of reasons, wouldn't you be pacing the floor and sweating, with tears in your innermost heart, thinking it over for a number of sleepless nights before you sent our soldiers to harm's way? Could YOU send our kids to war for lies, yourself?"

The answer is a stony-faced "no" every time when I ask the last question.

"Therefore, if Bush sent our soldiers to war based on a lie, why would he NOT do such a thing as pre-arrange the 911 events? How can we put this past him?" I point out that it's not ordinary and normal psychology at work, that murderers lack empathy and remorse for their victims, as is known in mainstream psychology. There is a technical term for it, called "Antisocial Personality Disorder".

I ask them to think about it as a possibility when he sent our kids to war for a lie, surely he could fit into that category of murderer without regret? Something to think about at least. Denial is dangerous, often leading addicts to their graves, as well as those of us addicted to our blissfully care-free existence. It's asking these particular questions, not making statements, that I have seen work every time. I have used [this Socratic Method of 9/11 Truth] even at the grocery check-out counter at Safeway."

A comment: "Why are you posting about this? It's ancient history." Ask the families of those innocent people killed that day if it's "ancient history." And the traitors and faux "allies" who actually did this have not been brought to justice, and the gallows, yet.  Maybe they believe we'll just forget... never, ever.

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