Karl Denninger, “Living Simply Is Now Illegal”
“Living Simply Is Now Illegal”
by Karl Denninger
by Karl Denninger
“Really. Thompson faces eviction from his 38 acres in Madison County. The county lawyer tells 24-Hour News 8 it's because Thompson is breaking too many rules, laws and ordinances; Thompson has no water, no sewer and no electricity in his recreational trailer that he calls home.
So? It's against the law to live simply? The Amish have no electrical service - by choice. You can tell an Amish home in the areas where they're common by the lack of an electrical service wire coming into the house. Never mind that the picture in the article shows a clear window AC unit. It is reasonable to presume he has a generator of some sort. No running water? Well, ok, that's a pain in the butt. But man lived with cisterns for a good long time. And presuming he has some money (and it appears he's not lacking clothes) he could be drinking bottled water. This much is certain - he's still alive, so he has a water source. No sewer? That's damn inconvenient. Nonetheless, 38 acres will more than support one man in this regard. A hole in the ground may not be great, but it works.
First the liberals whine about how we're all living "unsustainably", but then when someone lives in an utterly sustainable matter, refusing to buy and consume $100 or more a month in "services" they do not want, the jack-booted government comes in and demands they get out.
I'm sure that on that 38 acres there are more deer and other wildlife that whizzes and craps a larger volume (by far) than one man. There's no public safety issue here - this is one man, on his own property, with no evidence that he's polluting anything around him, who simply wants to be left alone - and who clearly isn't interested in "improving" his land and thus paying ten times as much in property taxes and "mandatory" services.
That's really the rub here, isn't it? The county wants to evict him not due to any sort of danger, but rather because he refuses to build a big fat McMansion on that land and then suck down the kilowatts and pay for every gallon of water twice - one to deliver it, again to cart it away even if he chooses to do things with the water that don't require those gallons to be carted away.
Show me where this individual is actually harming the public's safety and I'll agree with the jackboot of government coming in to tell him how he has to live. Until then the government has no right to get involved. At all.”
- http://market-ticker.org/
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