Karl Denninger, "Bernie Sanders, American Hero"
"Bernie Sanders, American Hero"
by Karl Denninger
by Karl Denninger
“Seriously. Here's all eight and a half hours of his filibuster - a real one - archived by CSPAN.
Part 2
Unfortunately, CSPAN does not permit embedding. Boo hiss.
Mr. Sanders is a die-hard socialist. But he believes in what he puts forward, which makes him very different than the other clowns in Washington DC. While I cannot endorse much of what Mr. Sanders wants as solutions, you can't find much in the way to argue with when it comes to the cause of the problems. In fact, a large part of his missive sounds like it was a filibuster that I'd deliver on the floor of the Senate were I elected to the position.
You have to give a man credit for walking the talk. Filibusters in recent years have become all threat and no talk. All you've had to do is threaten to engage in one and it's as if you did. This was different - Mr. Sanders actually rose and spoke for eight and a half hours straight. In those eight and a half hours Mr. Sanders hit on literally everything. He called a spade a spade. He said we can't afford to keep spending money we don't have, and he called out those in the banking and financial industry who have created this crisis. He wasn't afraid to use the blunt language that has to be used - he laid it all out.
Banks with 63% of GDP in alleged "assets", he quoted Simon Johnson, and he gave you a prescription to end this crap - "BREAK THEM UP." Then he added to it: the people who did this on Wall Street "need to go to jail."
"Outsourcing"? You mean employing slave labor and environmental arbitrage, destroying our job base and making a mockery of our laws that allegedly "protect" workers and environment, right? All under the corporate umbrella of "profit"? Profit... for whom? If our laws on environmental damage and labor rates are just, then they are - everywhere. If they're not, they're not - everywhere. What's wrong is allowing this sort of arbitrage to take place; you get your cheap trinkets, our manufacturing job base is destroyed, and all we do is shift WHERE the slavery happens and the environment is destroyed - not whether it occurs!
Conservatives? Jim DeMint, for instance? Where the hell are those traitorous cowards who claim to be "Conservatives"?
Bernie Sanders, an admitted and in fact proud far-left Socialist, has to rise in The Senate and lecture the party that claims to be for "The Rule Of Law" on how the banks swindled the entire nation out of trillions of dollars of wealth AND STILL ARE DOING IT TODAY? Mr. Sanders, my hat's off to you. I disagree with your prescriptions for a fix, but I'll be damned if you didn't just take the so-called "Free Market" folks out back, beat them within an inch of their lives and then assault 'em in the back door for good measure.
A free market - or capitalist society - isn't one where you use the government to enact laws that promote and protect your looting of the people. Those who claim to be "for free markets" and "for the rule of law" are supposed to use the law to put a stop to that crap by prosecuting and locking up the crooks, clawing back the illicit profits and returning them to the people they were stolen from instead of passing more laws and regulations that enable further looting of the people.
If my choice is between being sold socialism that is straight-up what it is, and alleged "capitalism" that in point of fact is, has been, and continues to be fascist Nazi-style mayhem and theft using the power of government to shield those who do wrong from facing the just punishment for their crimes... Hell hath indeed frozen over.”
Conservatives? Jim DeMint, for instance? Where the hell are those traitorous cowards who claim to be "Conservatives"?
Bernie Sanders, an admitted and in fact proud far-left Socialist, has to rise in The Senate and lecture the party that claims to be for "The Rule Of Law" on how the banks swindled the entire nation out of trillions of dollars of wealth AND STILL ARE DOING IT TODAY? Mr. Sanders, my hat's off to you. I disagree with your prescriptions for a fix, but I'll be damned if you didn't just take the so-called "Free Market" folks out back, beat them within an inch of their lives and then assault 'em in the back door for good measure.
A free market - or capitalist society - isn't one where you use the government to enact laws that promote and protect your looting of the people. Those who claim to be "for free markets" and "for the rule of law" are supposed to use the law to put a stop to that crap by prosecuting and locking up the crooks, clawing back the illicit profits and returning them to the people they were stolen from instead of passing more laws and regulations that enable further looting of the people.
If my choice is between being sold socialism that is straight-up what it is, and alleged "capitalism" that in point of fact is, has been, and continues to be fascist Nazi-style mayhem and theft using the power of government to shield those who do wrong from facing the just punishment for their crimes... Hell hath indeed frozen over.”
- http://market-ticker.org/
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