The Economy: “Thinking the Unthinkable About the National Debt”
“Thinking the Unthinkable About the National Debt”
by James A. Bacon
“America's budget debate suffers from a failure of imagination. Deficit hawks warn that the federal budget is on an "unsustainable path," but they don't spell out what will happen when the budget can no longer be sustained. Their language tends to be vague and imprecise.
Higher interest rates sound unpleasant, but we've had them before, and we lived to tell the tale. As for being vulnerable to the "dictates" of unnamed creditors (who sound suspiciously like the Chinese), what does that mean? Could China command us to cut spending and raise taxes like the European Union dishes out orders to Greece and Ireland? Don't be vague - spell it out.
If Americans cannot imagine the unimaginable - just as they could not conceive of Arab hijackers ramming planes into the World Trade Center - we will never take the painful steps required to avert calamity. Americans need to know the financial endgame they're trying to avoid.”
If the resources of the European Union and International Monetary Fund are stretched to rescue the finances of tiny Greece (external national debt about $300 billion) and Ireland (about $120 billion), the United States will be not only too big to fail but too big to bail out.
Government will be able to spend only what it can bring in through taxes. About 40 percent of the budget, a sum equivalent to 9 percent to 10 percent of the gross domestic product, will go poof. Consider the impact of such massive fiscal stimulus in reverse - "suckulus," if you will. Absent emergency action by the government, the economy will plunge into a depression roughly three times more acute than the recession we just experienced.
Congress could cut spending programs or raise taxes, but that would only aggravate the Keynesian contraction. The Treasury could repudiate all or part of the national debt - most likely the debt owed to foreigners, who can't vote or contribute to political campaigns - in the hope of relieving the crushing interest obligations. But that would trigger an Argentine-style capital flight, crippling the dollar and driving interest rates higher. Alternatively, the Fed could cover the spending shortfall by creating money. But that would ignite a horrendous inflation, which would batter the dollar and send interest rates into the stratosphere.
Adding to the financial chaos, politicians will intervene with policies to salve the pain - protective tariffs, capital controls, wage-price controls or some other imbecility - that will compound the economic damage. Meanwhile, economic disruption will ricochet around the world, prompting other governments to pursue beggar-thy-neighbor policies.
Such is the nightmare scenario if we fail to balance the budget. Congress is running out of time for posturing, temporizing and blaming the other guy. We have a window of opportunity of four or five years to avert fiscal Armageddon. But if we can't paint a believable picture of what that might entail, it may be impossible to motivate Americans to make the sacrifices that need to be made.”
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