“The School of Thinking”

 “The School of Thinking”
by Michael

“What is a thinker? A thinker is a sovereign individual who deliberately values the natural rights of thinkers. The School of Thinking supports the natural rights of thinkers. Here are ten natural rights for thinkers which are currently supported by the School of Thinking. Please consider these ten rights and then show your own support and post your personal comments or suggestions at the site. Thanks.
The Universal Declaration of Thinkers Rights

1. As thinkers, we would expect a thinker to have the right to use thinking in a quiet and confident manner.
2. As thinkers, we would expect that person to have the right to have pride in his or her thinking skill.
3. As thinkers, we would expect that a thinker must have the right to use that skill and to able to focus attention in a deliberate manner on whatever needed thinking about. In any situation we would expect a thinker has the right to consider a “thinking reaction” rather than a reaction based on emotion or experience alone. The thinking might make use of experience and emotion, but these would be part of the thinking instead of controlling it.
4. A thinker has the right to the deliberate application of thinking to both problems and opportunities.
5. A thinker has the universal right to be wrong.
6. We would not expect that a thinker be right all the time but we would expect a conclusion based on objective thinking. We would not expect a thinker to try to defend a point of view at all costs. There should be an ability to see other points of view and to consider the many factors involved. An inhibited person will use thinking only to back up a chosen point of view, without exploring the subject. A thinker will use thinking first to explore the subject, then decide priorities and to try to make a much better decision.
7. We would expect a trained person to possess a great deal of wisdom and common sense. This arises from an ability to see any situation in a broad perspective. Wisdom is quite distinct from the sort of cleverness that is taught in school. Cleverness may be alright for dealing with puzzles but wisdom is required for dealing with life.
8. We would expect a thinking person to get on with his or her work and to get along with other thinkers. If things went wrong we would expect that a thinker has the right to think them through and to put them right without creating a fuss.
9. We would expect a thinker has the right to be able to spell out the factors involved in a situation and the reasons behind a decision.
10. Above all, a thinker has the right to  be asked to think about something. He or she can be asked to focus thinking in a deliberate manner upon any subject. Thinking can be used as a tool that can be used by the thinker at will. The use of this tool can be enjoyable whatever the outcome. This applied thinking is practical– the sort of thinking that is required to get things done.

In 1995, the School of Thinking became the first virtual school on the internet as one of the world’s first 10,000 websites. Today the internet has more than 600 million websites. In those first days the ethos of the internet was “Information wants to be free!” and SOT became the world’s first school for teaching thinking to anyone, anywhere and at anytime. As Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the WWW puts it, “The spirit of the internet was not one of patents and royalties but of academic openness”. On the one hand information wants to be expensive, because it’s so valuable. The right information in the right place just changes your life. On the other hand, information wants to be free, because the cost of getting it out is getting lower and lower all the time. So you have these two fighting against each other.

Very often people ask why the SOT is free. Why are there no fees? Some people are even sceptical that it is free and wait for the “money-scheme” to ambush them. There is nothing wrong with charging fees for services and SOT is actually funded by the fees we do charge to corporations for consulting. But, on the web, SOT is free and has been since it first started.
This is a treasure trove for those seeking self-improvement and development.
Highly recommended! Many thanks to Alex Noble for this information. -CP

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