Vittorio De Sica; A Cautionary Comment

 "Moral indignation in most cases is, 2% moral, 48% indignation, and 50% envy."
- Vittorio De Sica

A cautionary comment: I've always tried my best to be totally honest with you, Good Readers, to present the very best version of truth I could find in this world of lies and deception. This is a true labor of love, there are no ads, banners, popups to generate revenue or distract you from learning the truths that you hopefully find here. This often takes 12-14 or more hours a day of my time. Over the last nearly 2 1/2 years StatCounter informs me that there have been 390,121 unique visitors, all of whom I thank for stopping by. I do this blog because we're in what Martin Luther King called "the fierce urgency of now", a time when life altering changes are happening in our country, the economy, and the world. I didn't ask for or seek this duty, it evolved into what you see here, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be of service. That said, there may be a real possibility that this blog will disappear, and I want you to know why if it does.
You'll note the sidebar statement regarding copyright, and my position on it. Every article posted here is properly attributed to the author, often with their picture, and live linked to the original site. This apparently isn't good enough for one of you, whose identity I'm pretty sure I know, and whose  insignificant blog I've visited. I pity this sad, unhappy, misguided person, who's taken it upon themselves to inform a blog cataloging site, BlogCatalog, of "copyright infringements" here, which I believe is ridiculous, but nevertheless an issue that must be addressed, since Blogger can delete us at any time they choose if they believe I am in fact in violation. BlogCatalog has emailed me that they've deleted the entry for this blog from their directory, and notified all of the major search engines of "copyright infringement" here. I'm awaiting further results, and will let you know how it all turns out.
I apologize for this nonsense, but have taken the precautionary step of setting up a new site here, should this blog be deleted:

Hopefully it will never need to be used, but I owe you all the truth about what may or may not happen, and don't want to just disappear with no explanation. Thanks, folks, for stopping by.

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