Chris Floyd, “Yes, They Lied; Yes, a Million Died..."
“Yes, They Lied; Yes, a Million Died;
and Yes, They Want It To Go On”
by Chris Floyd
by Chris Floyd
“Why have a million innocent people been killed in Iraq by the cataclysm unleashed by the Anglo-American invasion and occupation? Here's why: A top military intelligence official has said the discredited dossier on Iraq's weapons programme was drawn up "to make the case for war," flatly contradicting persistent claims to the contrary by the Blair government, and in particular by Alastair Campbell, the former prime minister's chief spin doctor. In hitherto secret evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Major General Michael Laurie said: "We knew at the time that the purpose of the dossier was precisely to make a case for war, rather than setting out the available intelligence, and that to make the best out of sparse and inconclusive intelligence the wording was developed with care."
Laurie, who was director general in the Defence Intelligence Staff, responsible for commanding and delivering raw and analysed intelligence, said: "I am writing to comment on the position taken by Alastair Campbell during his evidence to you, when he stated that the purpose of the dossier was not to make a case for war; I and those involved in its production saw it exactly as that, and that was the direction we were given."
Laurie said he recalled that the chief of defense intelligence, Air Marshal Sir Joe French, was "frequently inquiring whether we were missing something" and was under pressure. "We could find no evidence of planes, missiles or equipment that related to WMD [weapons of mass destruction], generally concluding that they must have been dismantled, buried or taken abroad. There has probably never been a greater detailed scrutiny of every piece of ground in any country."
The document is one of a number released by the Chilcot inquiry. They include top secret MI6 reports warning of the damage to British interests and the likelihood of terrorist attacks in the UK if it joined the US-led invasion of Iraq. However, a newly declassified document reveals that Sir Kevin Tebbit, then a top official at the Ministry of Defence, warned the defence secretary, Geoff Hoon, in January 2003 that the US would "feel betrayed by their partner of choice" if Britain did not go along with the invasion.
Despite its concerns, MI6 told ministers before the invasion that toppling Saddam Hussein "remains a prize because it could give new security to oil supplies." That's why. They caused the deaths of a million innocent people to "give new security to oil supplies" - and to gain the strategic dominance this "new security" would bring. They knew that all the rest - WMD, threat of terrorism, etc. - was absolute bullshit. They knew it from the start. They knew it all along. And they know it now. That's why the Peace Laureate/Holy Hit Man in the White House has his Pentagon warlord pushing and pushing to keep American troops in Iraq - forever, if possible.
They did it for the oil. They did it for the dominance. And they are doing their damnedest to keep doing it. Anyone who supports and champions the elites who seek to perpetuate this abominable gorging on innocent blood - including cool, progressive Peace Laureates - is knowingly making themselves morally complicit in this ongoing atrocity.
Here there is no shuffling. The invasion - and the occupation (or the "military presence") - were and are based on arrant lies. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been murdered, slaughtered, ripped from life, sent down to darkness because of these lies. If you support those who will not call these crimes by their right name, and seek to extend them - in whatever form - then you too are a supporter of murder. If that's what you want to be, fine; but be sure you recognize yourself for what you are.”
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