“Fukushima Reactor Meltdowns: Japan May Become Uninhabitable Forever”

“Fukushima Reactor Meltdowns: 
Japan May Become Uninhabitable Forever”
by Independent Australia

“So far the plume of radioactivity from Fukushima has mainly been blowing out to sea. The concern expressed by many is about what happens if the prevailing winds turn around, as they are expected to do, and begin to blow southwards towards Tokyo. Dr. Vivian Norris, quoting Arnie Gunderson: “What is highly disturbing is that the main reason Japan does not appear to be as bad a Chernobyl is that the wind was blowing out to sea and not for the most part towards land. But all this has done is spread the cancers out into the worldwide population as opposed to concentrating it all in Japan. It will be very difficult to tell, as it was in France, Scandinavia and other places where the Chernobyl cloud travelled in the days following the disaster."
Speaking exclusively to Independent Australia, prominent anti-nuclear campaigner Dr Helen Caldicott raised two grim and shocking scenarios about what foreseeably could happen next in this emergency. “If there is a very big aftershock, as there very well could be, Reactor 4 will probably collapse along with other buildings. This would create a Chernobyl type catastrophe which,  combined with a change in the wind – so it's blowing the radiation to the South instead of out to sea as it is at the moment – could make almost all of Japan – including Tokyo –uninhabitable forever. The second possible scenario is that there could be hydrogen explosion blowing one of the reactors apart [which has already happened in 3 of them - CP] also creating a Chernobyl type event. This, combined with the wind change mentioned would create the same result—an uninhabitable Japan.”

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