“Gerald Celente: “Collapse: It’s Coming! Are You Ready?’”

“Gerald Celente: 
“Collapse: It’s Coming! Are You Ready?’”
by Mac Slavo

"Trend forecaster Gerald Celente of the "Trends Journal" advises subscribers of his quarterly newsletter that the collapse is on it’s way and will become apparent to the population of the entire world in short order. While pundits argue over whether or not a double dip recession is coming, many on the street have finally begun to realize that another recession is the least of our problems. Via Gerald Celente’s June 13, 2011 Trend Alert:

"Everything is not all right. And things are going to get worse… much worse. The economy is on the threshold of calamity. Wars are spreading like wildfires. The world is on a razor’s edge. Not so, say world leaders and mainstream media experts. Yes, there are problems, but the financiers and politicians are aware of them. Policies are already in place and measures are being taken to correct them. Whether it’s failing economies, intractable old wars or raging new wars, the word from the top always maintains that steady progress is being made and comforts the populace with assurances that the brightest minds and the sharpest generals are in charge and on the case. On all fronts, success is certain and victory is at hand. Only “patience” is required … along with more men, more time and more money.

As far as these “leaders” and their media are concerned, the only opinions that count come from a stable of thoroughbred experts, official sources and political favorites. Only they have the credentials to speak with authority and provide trustworthy forecasts. That they are consistently, if not invariably, wrong apparently does nothing to diminish their credibility. How can any thinking adult possibly imagine that the same central bankers, financiers and politicians responsible for creating the economic crisis are capable of resolving it? Yet even in the face of their proven failures and gross incompetence, anyone daring to challenge the party line or the conventional wisdom is dismissed as an “alarmist,” “fear monger,” or “gloom-and-doomer.”

With the Dow on a down trend and the economic data increasingly pointing in the direction of Depression, Washington and Wall Street remain in denial. The only debate among the “experts” is whether or not a “double dip” recession is likely. However, for the man on the street – pummeled by falling wages, higher prices, intractable unemployment, rising taxes and punitive “austerity measures” – “Depression,” not “recession,” and certainly not “prosperity,” is just around the corner.


Trend Forecast: The wars will proliferate and civil unrest will intensify. As we forecast, the youth-inspired revolts that first erupted in North Africa and the Middle East are now breaking out in Europe (See “Off With Their Heads,” Trends Journal, Autumn 2010). Given the trends in play and the people in power, economic collapse at some level is inevitable. Governments and central banks will be unrelenting in their determination to wring every last dollar, pound or euro from the people through taxes while confiscating public assets (a.k.a. privatization) in order to cover bad bets made by banks and financiers. When the people have been bled dry financially and have nothing left to give, blood will flow on the streets.

We’ve been saying it for over two years, and we maintain our position today – this is a depression. No amount of government machination is going to fix the fundamental problems within the financial, economic, monetary and political systems of our country. Nature will force balance one way or the other. And nature, as we have come to learn in recent months, can be very brutal.

Make no mistake. We are in as serious a time today as any in the last century. While we may not be directly engaged in a World War, it is not that far off. Analysts often speak of the engagements in the middle east as four separate wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Yemen). We may be engaged in conflict across four different borders, but there is only one war – and it will soon expand. It’s only a matter of time before China and Russia get involved. Look at the middle east and you’ll clearly see this is a battle for resources and regional dominance. Chinese state owned companies have had to withdraw 30,000 employees from the Libyan oil fields. Ownership, it seems, has now been granted to the “rebels.” Similar activities, though hidden from the view of the masses, are occuring all over the world. How long before the Chinese, the Russians and others take a real stand – a military stand?

Even if we were to avoid global war, which is doubtful in the long-term, the fact that the super majority of the world’s population is broke and going hungry means that rioting, revolution and bloody civil wars cannot be avoided. If you still believe that the powers that be, those politicians who are in bed with the very financiers and military industrial complex that is robbing us blind and pushing us towards war, have your interests at heart, then you need to have your head examined. It’s time to be blunt. You either get it, or you don’t. The United States of America, as well as the world, will be unrecognizable as it exists today within the next decade."

We offer the same advice that Mr. Celente has offered: it has to be treated as if you are preparing for battle; expect the unexpected and prepare for the worst, which in these perilous times could be a declaration of economic martial law. Banks may close, currencies may be devalued and deposit withdrawals may be imposed. Remember Gerald Celente’s basic survival strategy, “GC’s Three G’s: Guns, Gold and a Getaway plan.” We’re in the middle of an unprecedented global crisis. Make preparations or suffer the consequences."
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