"You Cannot Chain My Soul"

"You can chain my body
But you cannot chain my soul.
You can enslave my body
But you’ll never own my soul.
You can whip my body,
But you cannot touch my soul.
For my soul is mightier than your chains,
My soul endures all your blows,
My soul is eternal, eternally remains,
My soul has a home beyond
what this world knows.
You can imprison my body,
but you cannot jail my soul.
You can break my body,
But you’ll never break my soul.
My soul is free as the eagle flying so high,
Vast like a dark, starry sky,
Deep as the ocean, wider than the sea,
My soul is forever, eternally free,
my soul is forever, eternally free.
You can chain my body,
But you’ll never chain my soul.
You can even kill my body,
But you’ll never kill my soul.
For my soul is mightier than your chains,
My soul endures all your blows,
My soul is eternal, eternally remains,
My soul has a home beyond what
this world knows."

-Author Unknown

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