"Mass Psychosis In American Society – The Self Destruct Syndrome"

"Mass Psychosis In American Society – The Self Destruct Syndrome"
by Doug Wilson

“In what was once the United States of America there is a deadly virus infecting millions of people. This disease effects the mental and emotional faculties and it is present in a majority of US citizens. I would classify it as a psycho-social disorder. No one is born with the disorder but some are more susceptible than others. What makes some people more susceptible is not genetic but environmental. People with the disorder also tend to have dependency issues. Dependency issues are fear based disorders environmentally generated and begin to manifest during childhood. Dependency issues, self destructive disorder and other psycho-social disorders are hardly ever noticed since they’ve become so all pervasive in today’s society. You can self diagnose for this disorder by looking for some common symptoms in yourself. The symptoms can be as follows:
* A belief that jobs come from governments
* A belief that good education is dependent on government funding or some Department of Education
* A belief that Government will solve the nations financial problems
* A belief that personal income tax is constitutional and taxes are spent on improving and maintaining public infrastructure
* A belief that it’s necessary that your State’s elected officials spend much time in Washington DC
* A belief that this nation’s wars are being fought for national security or to benefit any nation’s populace, foreign or domestic

These are just a few of the mental manifestations of Self Destructive Disorder. Recognize any of them in yourself? I would suggest that in order to really see how deep into the disorder one has fallen, certain principles must be utilized and put into practice. These principles are the same principles mentioned in 12 step groups around the world – they are, Honesty, Open Mindedness and Willingness.

In Alcoholics Anonymous these principles lead people to the reality of the self, or personal character. In order to recover from alcoholism, or other mental and emotional type disorders, we have to face reality head on and deal with the realities of ourselves and the world around us. For all addicts ( all of whom have developed dependent personalities ) this is always painful, sometimes excruciatingly so, and for too many it proves to be too much to work through. The same will be true if one attempts to deal with the this social self destruct syndrome. It won’t be easy. It involves self examination and self discovery and that is not a comfortable ride. With the first principle, Honesty, comes self evaluation. Questions like, am I happy with the way things are. Am I happy with what I have to do to survive, what society looks like, what the nations government is doing? Answer these and write it out somewhere.

Willingness: Am I willing to do what it takes to not play a part, if I find I am, in what I’m not happy with. Often this question is answered with a yes, but followed with – I don’t know what I can do about it. Fortunately we don’t need to know that to begin with. We only need to be willing to make the changes when we can, where we can, as we find things out. It’s only necessary that we are willing to honestly face any painful realities. Open Mindedness is the key to getting solutions to our problems. Open Mindedness is the listening principle and when combined with Honesty and Willingness is all powerful. Like the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous states, ” Lack of power, that was our dilemma. We had to find a power by which we could live…”. So too, people with the “Self Destructive Disorder” lack the power to escape their situation.
Understanding the personal agenda: It’s necessary that we understand what we’re dealing with when we seek to change our situations and those situations involve other people like governments, courts and innumerable bureaucracies. It’s also necessary we accept people and their agendas realistically. If you see that your everyday routine is not what you’d like it to be and you’ve started to realistically examine the causes involved, you’ll find that some group of people in some organization is working in opposition to “What You Want”. Never think for an instant that – wanting what you want – isn’t okay. It’s completely okay, natural and should never be suppressed. In order to accomplish any good for ourselves or others we need to know exactly what we want and never forget it for a moment. What you want must become your personal agenda and you must never sway from the path. You may change your mind about what you want – so be it – live, learn etc.

The idea that most people want things that are beneficial to others and society is, as far as I know today, factual – a truth. This doesn’t make getting what you want, or arresting that which opposes you, any easier. Like all that goes on with us here on the earth, we first must deal with ourselves and our relationship with the what takes place around us – our natural and societal environments. In this, have the honesty, the willingness, the open minded vision, to see that all people are not, “People, just like me”. Be convinced that there are people who want things you’ve never imagined to be realistic or possible (Outside of Hollywood). We all know the depths of depravity mankind can achieve. We see the serial killers, the rapist, the bully and sociopath. But we see these as anomalies. We might want to reconsider - reevaluate. If we can make this honest appraisal of mankind we can, maybe for the first time in our lives, stop dealing with people from the standpoint of dependents. We must deal with life and it’s people through the eyes of the ruthless realist.

There are a lot of well meaning people today working tirelessly to make things better for everybody and failing at it year after year after year. These well meaning activists are lost in this psycho-social disorder. They don’t know they have a disorder. No one with this disorder knows they have the disorder or how it affects every thought and action they take. They don’t see the world realistically – they can’t.

Now if you ask them they’ll gladly and enthusiastically tell you what the problems in society are, where they stem from and what must be done to fix things. But there is nothing being fixed, nothing improving, no changes for the better. The reason for this is they have mental and emotional issues they aren’t aware of and as a result – they can’t see people and their agendas realistically. If you listen to them they’ll ask you to join them in changing things at the level of government. They’ll ask you to join them in phone and email campaigns, marches and demonstrations, subscribing to their blogs, newspapers, websites and “liking” them on Facebook. What has all this activism accomplished, realistically? Nothing. Any daylight victory can easily be changed with the fall of darkness, without anyone even noticing.

What we, who were forced to deal with ourselves in 12 step programs, were made to see – was the reality of ourselves and our condition. In order for the people of a society to change that society into an image closer to “What They Want” it’s going  to require that same honest appraisal of themselves and the people who control their society. In other words they must stop dealing with the people in power as “People, just like us”. They are not like you. They have an agenda that is not like yours. They cannot be swayed by your idea of reason or ethic – they don’t care. They want what they want. At best, you, as the public, is standing in the way. So you see why email campaigns are completely useless?

We actually know what people’s agendas are within a few weeks, or months, of them taking office. People are essentially what they do. Not seeing people for what they are by watching what they do is – a result of a mental disorder. If people were ask about something as unemotional as – the agenda of a rock – would they be worlds apart on their assessment? It could be observed that, “This rock is sitting right here…”, and all would agree. Not so with our observations of people’s actions.

Asking a person, whose agenda is known by his actions, to stop doing what they’re doing and start doing what you want them too is like asking the Lion to stop killing the other animals on the plains. That would obviously be terribly unrealistic. Anyone seen out there trying to reason with the pride would be viewed as delusional. Are you seeing the relationship here?”

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