"Zombies Born of Government Spending"
"Zombies Born of Government Spending"
by Bill Bonner
"Zombie, zombie in the night
Making cities burn so bright
What immortal hand could frame
Thy fearful symmetry?"
Making cities burn so bright
Thy fearful symmetry?"
“The arsonists want to hit what they say are ‘Fat Cats,’” Berlin police spokesman Michael Gassen said. A special unit is investigating the fires as political crimes after the police received letters claiming responsibility that derided globalization, gentrification and rising rents, he said. In England they steal clothes. On the continent, they burn cars. Thousands of Renaults and Citroens have been torched in France in recent years. Now, they’re burning BMWs and Mercedes. But what do zombies do in America? Do they steal clothes? Burn cars? Or join the Tea Party?
First, we need to define our terms. This is a serious matter. And people are beginning to use the word ‘zombie’ too loosely, causing it to lose its meaning. Poor Thomas L. Friedman, for example, managed to mix everything up…confusing the zombies on the streets of Croydon with Michelle Bachmann and the Tea Party crowd. He sees only that they are all “angry.”
Politicians like zombies. Zombies are cheap. If you buy a vote from a man who is independently wealthy, it’s gonna cost you. And the bourgeoisie – which earns its money from honest toil and enterprise – is hard to buy. But zombie votes? They’re a dime a dozen. Just increase Social Security or Medicare; the zombies will line up to vote for you. It’s relatively easy to turn people into zombies. And it’s fairly easy to support them when an economy is healthy and expanding. But when an economy goes into a contraction, you can no longer afford to give the zombies their meat. Then what? Then, watch out. The zombies rise up.
Germany was the success story of Europe. Until this week. The latest numbers show the German economy has stopped growing. In fact, it is now trailing the rest of Europe…which is said to be growing at a very slow rate. Friends in Berlin tell us that young people have gotten used to living off the government. Youth unemployment is high. Everybody wants to earn money and status in the easiest way possible. Even well-educated young people find they can live better by taking government support payments than by working a regular job. What will they do when the checks no longer come? Look out..."
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