"How to Survive The United States Economic Collapse"
"How to Survive The United States Economic Collapse"
By eHow Contributor
By eHow Contributor
"Using basic Austrian Economics, an impending economic collapse is imminent in the United States. With horrible debt, inflation, national debt, and multiplying debt to GDP ratio an economic collapse WILL happen. I'm writing this article to all Americans or people of the world to help you survive the economic collapse.
* 1 The first thing one must do is learn what they will do in food shortages or in cases of hyper inflated food prices. This requires somebody to well in advance start putting away non-perishable goods. There are many sites on the internet which detail how to safely store foods. There are also many videos on youtube which describe how to store foods for long term. You will need many beans, grains, rice, powdered milk, sugar, and yeast. Collect many staples that are eaten around the world. Store dehydrated fruits and vegetables as well.
* 3 Silver and/or Gold is a must. Buy as much raw bullion as possible. Do not buy paper gold and silver either because in a collapse, futures markets can default as well leaving you with paper. Buy smaller pieces of bullion so that you can trade it easier. I put an emphasis on silver because right now it is more affordable and very liquid. If the currency (paper) value collapses, silver & gold will be a means of trade, along with barter.
* 4 Take up trades like sewing, mechanics work, and construction. If you are at a desk job now, be sure that you are skilled in these areas. These types of trades can help you repair your home or somebody else's home if needed without having to call a pro.
* 5 Have spare 2X4's in the garage or tucked away somewhere ready to go. If needed, you can secure your windows and doors with these if needed (in the event of mass rioting).
* 6 A 12 gauge you will need. Many many people argue and debate what type of gun or what kind of bullets, clips, and defensive / hunting weapons you will need. A 12 gauge is simple, cheap, widely available, and nobody will argue that a 12 gauge is a wonderful gun to own. It's great for hunting, and great for general home defense if needed.
* 7 Put away extra clothing. Stock good quality clothes with fabrics made of wool & high quality cotton mixed with polyester. A good wool sweater will keep you through any temperatures and cotton + polyester T-Shirts will last for years in the summers. Stock good quality boots, work boots, and shoes.
* 9 Stock some supplies for camping. These can help you in a pinch. Stock propane & gasoline too.
* 10 Google articles on economic collapses in Argentina & Zimbabwe. These are great resources as well to help you survive. In a collapse, do not trust anybody. What is reported people will come up to you dressed well and who look descent & rob you.
* 11 Use your wits, trust your gut feelings always, and don't give benefits of doubt ever. Take care and good luck, we'll all need it!
- http://www.ehow.com/
You would be well advised to consider this information objectively, as well as to utilize the "prep" survival links in the "Favorites" sidebar. There are literally thousands of economic articles on this blog detailing the causes and consequences of the failing economic system. If you think this is a joke, a prank, or idiocy, and you're still deeply in denial even after all this time, then you're dead already and don't know it yet. But you will... - CP
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