Neuroscience: "Brain Facts"

 "Brain Facts"
by Trevorponder

"Some facts you might be interested in:

- The human brain, with roughly 100 billion neurons, can be equated to a computer with a 1,000,000,000,000 bit per second processor.  Even more fascinating:  by 2020, computers will be able to do this (according to Moore’s Law which has proven quite accurate in predicting how computer speeds will increase over time).

- The brain is not sensitive to pain, even though it processes pain signals.

- It only takes one week of learning to juggle in order for your brain structure to change.  This is more evidence that the brain keeps growing.

- The amygdala – where intense, personal, long-term memories are stored – is also the place where fear is processed.

- Hyperthymestic Syndrome is a rare condition of a memory that is actually too good.  Exemplified by Jill Price, the condition doesn’t mean you remember everything, and is different than a “photographic memory”.  In Price’s case, she remembers every event in your life.

- Your brain uses less power than your refrigerator light!  In a day, it only uses a bout 12 watts of power (the same as contained in two large bananas).

- Although the brain is only 3 per cent of the body’s weight, it consumes 17 percent of the body’s total energy.

- Frequent jet lag can damage memory.  Because stress hormones are released during jet lag, they damage temporal lobe and memory.”
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